I hate my laptop!!
I just spent twenty minutes typing (yeah, I post walls of text - I am obsessive about my own life, which seems important to me at times)
Then, I somehow got too close to the shit thing that acts as a mouse replacement and everything was selected then overwritten.
I will try again, since I am SO FLICKING obsessed with my life, but FUCK!!
Thought I had that thing turned down all the way! Why in the fuck does it still protend so sensitively.
If you use Firefox, install Lazarus. Also available for Chrome.
It's a lifesaver.
NOW, I am going to offer the most dumb-ass answer possible, mainly because I have seen a bunch of these lately at work ...
... Such as the asshole who was bringing back a Top of the Line printer because he could not get it to work. I asked if he had checked his network log in - (wireless printer- ), he says it was supposed to be wireless. I should not have to deal with wires. I asked if he had trouble running the firmware. He said What's that? I asked if he plugged it in to the wall socket and put the disk in his computer. HE got angry and asked WHY HE Should have to do all THAT with the Topline printer. IT SHOULD JUST WORK!!

... now my DUMB ASS response to your sage advice ...
"But it runs ALL the TIME!!"