Just was doing my first oxy shot of the day, and accidentally (well no shit) clipped a nerve. Damn.....That fucking stung like a tsunami maggie thatcher's miasma of festering anal stench; blistering one's unprotected conjunctivae.
Bit of a turn up for the books though, as I found some bottles of my favourite beer

and the very last of a bottle of vodka. Damned if I didn't manage to spill some somewhere that hurt like fuck. *winces*
Although to make up for that, I did find a full, unopened bag of a smoking blend called 'king cobra', which by all accounts is pretty strong stuff. I thought I'd lost that quite some time ago. I was pretty hacked off at the time, thought I had lost it for good. Now it couldn't have come at a more fortunate time, as I have a stinking case of the lurgy.
Sore bones, can't stop coughing, headache, congested airways, no appetite whatsoever (although something tells me thats about to change once I've put some fresh water in one of my bongs

That should ease my aches and pains along with it, and prevent my throwing up again )
I hate throwing up.
*some time later*
Damn, that was just what I needed, I feel so much better now after a few bongs. Got rid of that headache, and the nasty bone-deep aching that comes with colds and flu.