Your pay is now long enough due. We can put you through to find out why you have not been payed yet.
So, they were supposed to call me back, telling me why there had been no payment yet.
Guess what, they did not call.
So, I called them.
Lady accusing me for not sending in data in time.
Data were due on the 18th, they had them the 17th.
Yeah, they were there, but we thought they were the data on May, this is still your fault.
Why would they be the data on May, if I had already sent in the data on May the month before?
Took me over ten minutes to get that lady to understand that the fault was hers, and that I was the one waiting for my money.
If I am lucky, it will be payed next Friday. If I am lucky. That is ten days late, FFS.
And, in the end, she did mutter some kind of apology. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I almost had to beg for her to apologise.