Arthritic pains really hurt.
Yup. It's not confirmed but it looks like it.
In my twenties I lived in a very damp house, without central heating. There were days I could not use my hands without pain. Sometimes I could barely move them. Around the same time my mother went to the doctors with arthritic symptoms, she got a bloodtest, and it came up negative. A month later she fell and broke her pinkie. It could not be set properly, because on the X-rays it showed it was completely deformed because of arthritis.
When I saw the doctor, he said he would not even do the bloodwork, because it would probably not tell a thing, and I knew what I was blessed with genetically anyway.
Moving house, to a dry and central heated place, kept me without problems for over twenty years. Now the joint in my right thumb is damaged a bit, they say. But it is not giving me too much trouble.
The hand troubles I did have a couple of years ago had nothing to do with arthritis. I stored my stress in my fingers. Could not hold a pen long enough to write my own name, without needing a break. Very glad my physician sent me to an occupational therapist then. She was the one telling me my thumb has now got some actual damage.