Aaaaand they're smoking in the hall AGAIN. Really starting to dislike these guys. 
Spray them with air freshener. 
I mustn't. I must restrain myself and keep the peace. 
You know you want to. Go ahead. 
I REALLY want to. I just woke up FREEZING COLD, to discover that the idiot left the hall window wide open, as he
sometimes does after smoking in the hall. Stupid idiot doesn't GET that the smoke AND the cold both get in MY apartment! 
So why don't you at least tell him?
Because this guy is generally cranky and gets explosively angry. I heard him bellowing at his girlfriend,
sounding so angry that I thought he'd start hitting. He's sullen and arrogant and doesn't give a damn. 
Phffft. Dealt with that before.

They all feed off of fear...
...and will continue to do so until someone crazier comes along that has nothing or no one left to fear.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirts.
But that's me, not you.

Document this stuff if you can CBC, record his loud "fuck the world" don't need this crap.