If I was going to bitch, it would be about the fact that I got a "MOTHER FUCKING TICKET" for having my fireplug a bit too hard to get to. Yeah, we did not shovel it out fast enough. GOd Dam fucking fourteen inches of snow or what ever, but NO!

I have more to bitch about.
Our fucking stupid state is about to vote on whether gay marriage is legal or not.
Honestly, As long as they (all our gay friends - I have many) do not attempt to force a Church, using a kind of "law"which may or probably IS against Gay unions, Blah!! ... to "marry them" with in the Church, etc.
I say I am down with the total Rainbow and all things gay.
... as long as those couples do not challenge the "church" to marry them. (this is the reality of the challenge for the most part.) This is difficult. We have people saying that "normal gays" can not be recognized in the state as couples. WTF! The nstate is worried that some will "force" a church to marry them. THIS does not have to happen.
Our Local legislature needs a smack to the head.
WTF does it matter if couples who choose to live together are one way or any other? Why can they NOT have the benefits allowed by the state as a couple?
... and why the fuck does it matter if one is one way and the other is another way? As long as no one challenges "the church" against "Teh State" to make a determination ... WTF! (again, constantly separating the church from the state IN HTIS COUNTRY, but BE REAL!!! THE STATE IS SAYING THAT THE CHURCH IS .... somehowMORE important THAN FREEDOM? important? YEAH, big vote coming up.) wtf difference does it make, LEGALLY?
HOW the fuck can it make a difference "legally?
I say, WTF difference does any of this shit make? NONE. Allow anyone to be partnered with any one they choose. How the fuck can the "Church" be altered by the "State" allowing any one to do what ever.
My state, in the USA is in an uproar. And who the fuck cares, really, except a bunch of assholes who only care about their own selves and the ways that their religion is allowed to make others buckle down to what THEY believe.
I am disgusted!!