Cleaning CDs, a shit CD player thats been iffy since the fucked example of the same was changed for a replacement item at the store, and worse, the methylated spirit I keep around to clean discs, bits of glassware etc.
The stink of pyridine, oh god is it rank. I hate it, to the point I'd sooner get a nosefull of some low molecular weight alkyl mercaptan/thiol. Cleaned a few CDs, and the faintest of faint traces detectable to my sense of smell walking up the stairs from the ground floor to the second floor of the house (CDs were cleaned in upstairs bedroom), with the room door closed, was enough to make me near-retch halfway up the stairs.
One of the chemicals I HATE, no matter what needs doing with/to it. Sharp, acrid, rotting fish-like, if rotting fish could crawl up the devils arsehole on a hot tropical summer day, stay there for a week or three and get shat out into a split open, well-aged heap of decaying roadkill.
DD-buy him a pint or three, and hire him a hooker.
That'll do it, although mileage my vary