We have lost our "Asset Protection Manager" to another job which means the one full time guy who is in charge of (AP shit is actually quite huge in responsibilities over a monthly basis) watching the security cameras at least forty hours per week. Think: Security Guard, but NO badge, NO gun, NO flashlight, NO authority, NO ability to do anything to actually Protect Assets, but stare at a HUGE fucking split screen monitor all day with eight constantly zooming and panning cameras.
I have been re-assigned as AP Manager (couple of things; I am the only one qualified to fulfill the position, I am the only one available just now, I am part time these days and can not choose my position as easily as when I was THE one full time Guru in Inventory Control).
I fucking get vertigo if I even look at those stupid zooming and panning cameras for more than a few minutes!! I am a little bit autistic in some ways, see. Working a shift, supposedly watching those fucking panning and zooming cameras is impossible for me. I can not look. Fortunately I can operate a single camera by remote if I want and I do - I just ask if "someone else is on this guy," when questioned by the "bosses" about one camera being up.
I also have to greet every person entering the building and check every package leaving the building, search every employee leaving.
I do not do well encountering strangers, in general. This is why I used to lose my temper and put people in the hospital when I was younger. It gets to me!! I can usually just be an asshole right back and walk away, knowing I am the best asshole or whatever, but if I have to be all NICE - it gets to me. I begin to lose my social skills.
I do not like to be forced to behave other than what comes naturally with strangers. I get fatigued. When I get fatigued, I lash out at strangers who piss me off. I can not help it. I can AVOID strangers and I have done well in these past few years doing so, keeping to myself in "my cave," living in the warehouse, doing the really smartguy Inventory Control stuff and keeping away from ALL strangers.
I can be "nice" with nice people and do fine, get over it quickly, strangers and all, but ...
My temper is growing again. I am not going to be able to stay in THIS horrible fucking AP position for very long. I will be fired because I WILL lose my temper or someone will be in injured. I might end up in jail. It is a pattern I have fought my entire life. I can not do this much longer.
I can do fine, fake it like anyone else, until I just FUCKING can not take any more. Not sure how much more I can take.
I know that I sound like a whiny little bitch, but the result of my losing my cool is not pretty and it can get me into trouble. DO not even try to tell me to deal with it. I AM DEALING WITH IT!!
... but I do not know for how much longer I can continue this way.