Not true.
You have proven to be more than just brave on many occasions. Wisdom comes in many forms!
I would not wish my annoyance upon my worst enemy, but, if need be, then need be. It only takes one year, they say.
My arrival to acceptance of this was a slow, hard-fought journey, but in the long run, I am already better off than I was, even two or three years ago.
The worst part is NOT the horror of the pain of becoming used to the prosthesis, but the re-claiming of lost (really SORE now) muscles that have, over years, approached atrophy during my "denial period."
Rebuilding muscles is the worst part AND, remember, I had an advantage above most others who have had this same procedure; I had a full year of prior physical therapy, keeping what muscle tone I DID have active, along with my having been in fairly amazing physical condition for someone my age from the outset.
Still, I am experiencing major "rebuilding of necessary muscle tissue" pain just due to the surgery.
Getting back to kicking my bag over my head again will have to wait a while, while I rediscover how to walk once again.