Why do people ask me about my laryngitis?! If I can barely get air out of my throat, how can I
possibly answer questions? What happened to my voice? It's gone, DUH. 
Laryngitis is the worst, you feel fine but no voice! And you are just reminded all the time about how much you would normally talk. I have had laryngitis three times and the last time I had it, I had to get a tyre on my car fixed and I had to write down what I wanted from the tyre people. Was kind of embarrassing but I had to do it.
Just fucking over it. No one thing, just life in general.
I hear that. It is the same for me. I just really can't be bothered.
I have just had a social worker come to my door and ask me if I would like to plan a family meeting. Ceilidh and my parents do NOT get along as much as I would like them to so I can't see this happening. The social worker said to me to have a think about it and she will be back this afternoon. I am thinking my family has nothing to do with my depression but for the whole parents/Ceilidh debacle.