My lower back pain is now a daily thing and it's interfering with everything. I've tried doing more back stretches, exercising more, heating pads, soaking in the tub with epsom salts and it seems to be getting worse not better. 
Time for a doctor's visit? You'll need your back when the pup arrives and grows.
I called my chiro friend who prescribed 2 weeks of rest first with daily anti-inflammatorys, daily baths with epsom salts, the heating pad, and then after that try the stretches. I think my issue is that I don't give it a chance to rest. Even today which was supposed to be day 1 of rest I was lugging heavy stuff up and down the stairs.

It's hard to rest when I'm the only adult here and if I don't do it, it doesn't get done. I'm bad about resting and I know that.