Languages are tricky at times. I'm trying to learn russian. I speak a little, and can curse and swear in russian, as well as in french, spanish, latin, german, and know a few words of greek and a couple in sumerian, and I speak in american sign language pretty ok.
German and russian would be really helpful in reading both a lot of research journal
articles, as well as join the clandestine chemists forum the russian hyperlab; the russian equivalent of the Hive. I'm one of the oldschool hive bees. Damn shame the Hive went down, it was pretty much the original clan. chem form, the Bees were and are some of the most innovative clan. chem workers around. Now we have all flown to other forums, such as the vespiary. Lol I've turned from a bee to a wasp. Although we are all both, still a hive bee and always will bee.
I want to learn better german, and learn BSL also. Heh, one amusing thing, is in BSL, the sign for 'goodbye' is exactly the same as one of the words meaning 'bitch' in ASL. Could make for some hilarious fuckups