Yes, cats are adorable bastards.
A squawking bird woke me up early this morning. It went on for ages. By the time it stopped I was too awake to go back to sleep.
I have always loved cats for that very reason.
I have talked about losing my latest, very gentle and loving cat, sweet girl, but I also had a favorite who was so damn rambunctious and tough, played rough and expected me to play back just as rough. Amazing animal, who also loved me dearly.
I have actually kicked him halfway across the yard when he freaked me out with his greeting play and he would right hinself from spinning in midair, land on his feet and run straight back to me at lightning speed, then just hit me on the leg with all his claws and fangs drawn, but he just went "KISS" barely touching me and fell back, landed rampant ready to do it again. Daring me.
I did not like kicking him so hard but he always seemed want even more of that rough play.
He was a huge tom (24 pounds, looking skinny, just a big boy), named Blue, all blue grey including his nose, skin, eyes, paws, pads and claws all the same color as his coat. Barely see the guy until he stuck his pink tongue out.
He always played really rough and loved it. I still have scars after twenty five years or so. Then bedtime came and he was a snuggle bunny, all purrs and nuzzles, liked to stroke my cheek, soft paw.
I miss him, too. I used to take him all over with me when I went to the store and stuff close by.
I have had three neighbors come up to me and ask why I feed so many birds. Everyone has ideas on which birds and which food I should put out for which birds. They all want to help me.
Most don't like the "regular" birds. Some want to just feed finches or cardinals or redwings or doves.
I love them all and I even put out food that jays like and squirells like and rabbits and crows like.
Fuck them. I don't choose the animals. I let them choose me. I will help to fatten them all for the winter. No troubles being bird racist around here.