Mincing effeminate nancy boy or not, 'racist' for complaining about foundation not being easy to find for someone with their own shade of pale skin?
If that is racist, then only inside the heads of those filthy pieces of dog shit who live, breathe, eat, piss and shit being mortally offended and whining about it, trying to get other people in deep shit in their lives and workplaces due to the scummy little snowflake filth taking offense in the way they so adore, on behalf of somebody else, who, being a normal human being, or else being neurotypical at least, has either no awareness of the 'issue' in the head of the snowflake POS, or if they are, don't give a flying fuck.
'people' like that, need their wagging tongues slitting and their lips cutting off.
They need rounding up, dropping off on a desert island in the middle of nowhere, and then a cobalt-salted neutron bomb dropped on the place. And left to die horribly of radiation sickness.
As for foundation for pale people, there are pure white ones, that people like marilyn manson, me and other gothy metaller types wear. I'm not pale, I'm casper the fuckin' ghost. And I can still find pure ghostly white ones to use for that with the black lip and eye makeup.