I've no personal enmity towards either of you, disagreements with both, despise neither, but right now, I'd bang your heads together to see if some sense could be knocked in there. And if the top ones don't suffice, then the other pair so you can fuck each other 69 and make the fuck up. Or at LEAST if not, then SHUT the fuck up.
Al, god damn, I wish relativetruth had come at a better time and taken off. You KNOW what you'd have gotten for your kvetching there. If he wasn't such a bastard, and wasn't dead now I'd be tempted to ask the initial host to have her pen pal pay one of you a visit, while I visit the other. Flip the coin, who gets me, who gets tim mcveigh. Either way, it'd be a blast, the way you pair are acting.
Not that thats her style, she has an even lower tolerance for BS than I do, you'd have got eaten, Al, and not in the good way. Odeon-you won't get the reference, no insult intended, but both of you would have had some sense, or at least duct tape applied. Possibly worse (I've heard things, funny things, but messed up things nonetheless)