Fucking seizures, I hate them.
Thankfully, didn't go nonverbal, myoclonic seizure just happened, again as I came out of sleep; and my old man was nearby, and heard me say 'help, help me', and didn't have to explain, he knew what to do, in other words, to grab my chlormethiazole, and help put two capsules in my mouth, which brought me out of it within minutes. Knew exactly what I needed him to do, because I couldn't reach for the bottle, even though its just a couple of feet away, and he gave me one, and then a second when I held up a pair of fingers to indicate number, with it getting progressively harder to vocalize.
Damn, that stuff is fast acting. Two minutes at most, before the chlormethiazole capsules broke open and snapped me out of it. Fucking things never get any less unpleasant or panic inducing. But he gave me the second one and then WHAM! took effect so fast, it was almost as quick as swallowing a cup full of spirituous liquor and washing it down with a soft drink.
Didn't hear me at first I don't think, but did before the attack could really progress to something serious.
I'm fine now, slept it off, after spending some time chasing a rather large dark beetle up and down a length of aluminium foil, heated from underneath with a lighter.
Them damn dragons...once they get loose, dragons take quite some chasing

Slept in something lovely though I did. Any tiny trace of hungover is now utterly dejected in defeat.
The dragon got moving after I put a cigarette lighter underneath it, and a tube to catch any smoke he blew out, so that nobody but me would have to inhale his sweet, flowery, strangely almost poppy-like dragon-fire fumes and smoke

Think I'ma go see if I can chase that dragon right back to where I found him, hiding in a pea-sized lump of light tan-brown powder, all chunky like. I'll 'ave yeh Mr.Dragon, if I have to chase you back and forth repeatedly.
*innocent smile. What? who? me?