Well there is disliking crowds and disliking crowds, if you know what I mean. You don't have to be autistic to hate crowds. Ever been stuck on a tram, etc. with some horde of drunken football fans yelling football related garbage? or got on one so tightly packed that you can only stand due to the fact that there is somebody's armpit at face level no matter which way you are oriented.
Or down a high-street with a bunch of filthy romanian beggars (who probably aren't even poor, and have a special set of filthy-beggar-clothing as an outfit to make more money) pestering you every few meters until enough get kicked in the head after being sarcastically asked 'you need help?' in romanian, with the help quite obviously being a kick in the face. (note-I'd not do that to someone who merely asked for money, only to the type that are highly aggressive about it, 'you give money now, you give money now now now'...whilst grabbing hold of you etc. looking for an opportunity to get a hand in a pocket and relieve you of valuables. There are too many filthy romanian dirtbags at least here that do just that, and if they pick me, the valuables they are likely to get, are those valuable only to the owner that they were born to, such as knuckles, feet and foreheads)
I'm happy enough to give a little spare if I can afford to do so to people obviously genuinely in need, but the moment someone starts borderline mugging me, I'm going get in the first stomp so they don't get that far. Aggressive beggars are the pits, and worse still are ones that come in crowds, trying distraction tactics etc. Those, I do regard as fucking trash, people in plain bad circumstances I'll treat with compassion. Had a hobo friend once, not anymore, I'm pretty sure he's dead, after a batch of heroin went round his* area of the city that within weeks of its appearance, not a single person connected to H in any way ever was heard from again, and having tried the stuff (with a very, very high tolerance to pain meds at the time, it cannot, possibly NOT have been cut with some form of super-potent opioid, like fentanyl etc. because even vaporized in a pipe, piece of broken pipette etc. something the size of a grain of sand would knock me out cold in a single toke in seconds. And I've had pure dipropionylmorphine, which is at LEAST of greater potency than diamorphine (heroin) than H is compared to morphine, and a couple more times on top of that, I know that to have been of high purity, because I performed analysis on it in various ways, and I....witnessed its creation...from pharmaceutical morphine sulfate. So even had the stuff been 100% pure pharmaceutical diamorphine HCl, it COULDN'T have done that. The dose of this stuff that would, even smoked, have knocked me out in about as much time as it would take to breathe out, ergo, must have contained an additional, active compound, given that if it was H, the dose would have been detectable only by its taste, and have exerted no effect.
After that turned up, guy disappeared. Was a really decent guy, lost his home due to circumstance, life taking a shit on him basically, and he turned to kit, not really surprising considering how rotten the life of the genuinely homeless and destitute must be, especially in winter, and times like xmas. But the 'beggars' that do not ask, but either demand, or almost-mug, they really piss me off, and the obvious scammers, they are just begging to be stuck on a spit and slow-roasted over coals in hell.
As for crowds, a simple collection of people is different from those wishing to interact. I've no issues going into a shop, for example, but if every shopper wanted to stop and talk about their life and how shit their day was, I reckon I'd end up fairly fucked off, fairly quickly, and asking if I could trade in human heads for a discount

And those times where its impossible to avoid being crammed into non-interacting people like sardines in a can (ew...who the hell dreamt up something that unappetizing and imagining they would both A-sell and B-not end up sitting in the back of a kitchen shelf if bought at all for so long that they've gone so far beyond 'shelf life' that they need to be opened by manipulator-arms in a negative-pressure chamber with leaded, boron-doped glass viewports if the opener is to avoid developing cancer as a result of proximity exposure), that is an experience NOBODY wants (at least unless you happen for some weird reason to ENJOY being nasally-raped by a horde of armpits), autistic or not.
Crowds down't actually bother me much, I just see them as mobile pieces of meat for the most part. There are occasional individuals one might actually meet that have value, but as crowd-elements, sans a meeting of value, they are just moving objects to avoid walking into.
Other bitch-I used to have the videogame 'fallout-tactics', on a HD that later, failed. I've just started redownloading it, and although it came (via gog.com) with two free games, and cost about £7, thats the first time I've PAID for a game in about 15 years, maybe more:( I'm appalled. I had to PAY for software. The very thought turns my stomach.
*his as in frequented, not to imply he owned the area obviously