I can't deal with anyone who gives me the silent treatment.
People are welcome to shut up around me. 
I just don't get why some people are unable to want to resolve anything, even if it means a bit of arguing. I mean, I can be as irrational as the next person (but in a different way), but I'm usually willing to try to resolve things.
Happen to have more fingers than people who are important as far as resolving personal conflict. That's not to say resolution isn't an option, or never sought, it's just generally not seen as important.
I hate losing friends I get along with. I find it nearly unforgiveable when they cut me out, it's like losing a part of me. I like to have one or two close friendships, or a relationship. I still don't forgive my old college friend for cutting me out. His stepdad hated me. He was a dick, though.