Swanson: NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!Gopher Gary: What's up with him?Genesis: The is sending him back to High School.Gopher Gary: Oh dear
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Just watched a couple of videos of how bad it is in Sweden with immigrants. There's a reason I don't watch the news, or non-mainstream news. It's so depressing, and the most anyone can do is attack each other instead of the people at the top. Like surely some big evil companies could be boycotted, for instance. It would be a start. Just, enough of the complaining and doing absolutely nothing but typing out frustrations which the elite don't care about.
The thing is, the extreme right is constantly screaming about how bad it is but it's a big country, we have lots of space and we need more people. Also, they wouldn't have come if they'd had a choice. And no, I'm not a leftie. I just don't see the so-called crisis and I live here.
Quote from: odeon on March 03, 2017, 02:17:05 PMThe thing is, the extreme right is constantly screaming about how bad it is but it's a big country, we have lots of space and we need more people. Also, they wouldn't have come if they'd had a choice. And no, I'm not a leftie. I just don't see the so-called crisis and I live here.Sigh. I'm sick of both extremes. I'm sick of people who think they're exceptionally good people, martyrs even, that gives them the authority to be a total arsehole, and fucking irritating.Not you. It's just that someone else just now has just been a dick to me on Facebook for saying I thought it was wrong to smash the windows of rich peoples' houses.I try to remind myself that my ideals are just romantic and made-up, ironically by humans, but I have to keep reminding myself that humans are all animals at the end of the day and we're just as fucking "stupid" as they are. What makes it worse is that apes are fucking arrogant.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!
Esther than
Quote from: 'andersom' on March 04, 2017, 12:47:13 PMEsther thancan gather rather than from the context, but can't recall ever seeing that. Explain esther.
Quote from: Jack on March 04, 2017, 12:55:34 PMQuote from: 'andersom' on March 04, 2017, 12:47:13 PMEsther thancan gather rather than from the context, but can't recall ever seeing that. Explain esther.Your assumption was correct. Bloody autocorrect, combined with letters that small that I missed this one, when checking my text.
This conversation turned weird really quickly.
It's funny. We're in pre-election mode in my country. But it is all very decent. Way more than last time. Political parties focus on their own program, rather than on the flaws of the others. Even our peroxide populist keeps calm. Weird. Like it though. Have been craving for a campaign that was about content.Wonder if this is a reaction on how the presidential election in the USA went.