Hello there PR

And grey area, I was not attempting to get into your pants, as you put it.
Your a guy? took you for female going from the hair, but, so as no offense is caused, I was not attempting to get down you...is 'get into one's knickers' even the right phrase to USE for a guy...considering....
Well other than the julian clary (ewww) type of 'guy' that is

But whatever the hell is down there, you crack me up. I just have a similarly ofttimes dark sense of humor. That toaster thing. was that your own work, or a net repost?
And funnily enough....I just so happen to have a toaster that is otherwise destined to be recycled for the nichrome heating wire to build a new mag stir plate..and I'm sure I could find a shit or two who is in desperate requirement of bath-side toast-making facilities.
*lestat busily starts looking for some teflon grease*......