Actually grey area, I have a confession to make mi'lady.
I think your hair looks great. I've been growing mine out aiming for about mid-length below the waist-between kneecap and waist, about half way would be about right.
Yours looks pretty foxy. Would love to see the face behind it

Reminds me of the movies 'the ring' 'ring II' and 'the grudge', only with more cute and less rotting undead carcass murdered spooky creepy girl.
Reminds me of my stalker's hair, she has the most gorgeous looking long, sleek dark hair, right down her back. I just love looking at the pale hazel eyes she has and admiring the everloving fuck out of it, wishing it was wrapped round my neck and being used to choke me out

(yes, I admit...I'd let my stalker (feels odd using that term, although it was she herself who TOLD me so, in an affectionate context, but she IS a lovely lady. can't remember if shes turning 49, 50 or 51 this year (or just turned rather), but I won't refer to her by name, because I respect her privacy, and she is a VERY un-people-person-ey person. And I refuse to speak my pet name for her just to speak of her here, or to anyone else generally, bar a very few who I would call proper friends that I care a lot for here (like QV and CBC fr.ex.) and thats just because...well its my special term of endearment for....I'll call her Lady T here, out of respect. Because she is someone I both respect, care for greatly, and indeed, so much so that if ever she needs an organ transplant, vital to survival not a problem, if I'm a match, it is hers. And I don't just mean a kidney or partial liver transplantation, but heart-double lung, I'd give it and give it willingly. So I most certainly, will not so much as give out the pet name I use just for/with her, as it...that feels wrong to me, I can't explain how. But like it would make it less special. Should be reserved for her and her alone, because SHE is special.
She has though, this much I will tell, hair long like your's grey area, and my god, it is beautiful.
I daresay, I find you pretty cute too Grey Area. Always good to see you on and posting here.