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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11670 on: August 15, 2016, 06:13:11 AM »
LED light bulb failure after just 6 months,  had regular ones last longer that cost less than a quarter
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11671 on: August 15, 2016, 06:25:12 AM »
Formal costs are SO expensive. Hopefully she becomes a Millionaire when she is older and keeps Dad very comfortable in retirement

  I hear the kids at work talking about their prom expenses.  Everything's so costly these days.  :zombiefuck:

I have the dress, shoes, bag, and have saved for the jewelry and make up. Still need to save for the hair, limo and the $150 bloody admittance.

Three words; After. School. Job :thumbup:

Hopefully the limo hire cost will be shared with her friends. If I lived down your way I'd happily give them a free ride in my snazzy Chrysler sedan :)

  They'd look pretty sharp rolling up to the venue in the  :heisenberg:-mobile!
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11672 on: August 15, 2016, 09:10:08 AM »
Fucking allergies.  :roar:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11673 on: August 15, 2016, 05:07:27 PM »
Not looking forward to the networking class tomorrow because I feel so dumb in it. My memory (or lack of) is really giving me problems.

i feel your pain. i feel overwhelmed by psychology undergraduate level work and i have a phd in psychology. i have a lot of homework to do today and not looking forward to it.
And I feel your pain. I enjoyed psychology work except for when I left things until the last minute. That sucked.

Why are you doing undergraduate level work?

Today we made a web server on a virtual machine with two other virtual machines running at the same time. Running XP certainly brought back memories.
i skipped undergrad work to get my master's and phd. now it's important to me to have basic foundation work before i go saying i know anything about the grad work. it's all new concepts for me so i am very glad i did it.
also, as a behavior tech i work with clients. everyone assumes that you want the highest level position so you can get prestige and money. i just want to make a difference in the lives of young autistic children. i think i would do a good job.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11674 on: August 17, 2016, 05:56:46 AM »
^ I think you would too.

I wonder if you will have to do program evaluation. Skip it if you can. For me it was the hardest and most boring subject. I failed it, heh. If I hadn't, I would have graduated 6 months sooner.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11675 on: August 17, 2016, 06:07:11 AM »
Share his pain? did you not get the memo, Ren? us special ed folk aren't people, we are broken machines who don't HAVE feelings;):autism:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11676 on: August 17, 2016, 06:15:57 AM »
Share his pain? did you not get the memo, Ren? us special ed folk aren't people, we are broken machines who don't HAVE feelings;):autism:
Oops, a bit of a slip-up there. ;)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11677 on: August 17, 2016, 09:30:19 AM »
Well I'm a good machine like that. Couldn't let you forget to be broken and screwed up haha.

Just kidding of course, I like you, Ren:)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11678 on: August 17, 2016, 11:20:38 AM »
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I'd rather skip.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11679 on: August 17, 2016, 06:28:40 PM »
Went to mine, went alright. GP changed the topical corticosteroid I use for my feet for a stronger one  in the hope of being more effective. Got something kind of useful in other ways too, called permitabs, which are potassium permanganate in tablet form intended for preparing solutions for dipping feet in. Had some before but couldn't use them for my feet because I got no directions on what to DO with them. No loss, as I can always make use of the KMnO4 in the lab, for small-scale testing they might be especially convenient, if I need do anything especially precise using KMnO4, because it comes in small preweighed units and the packs are sealed and protected from air. At any rate the pack sizes are a lot more than I can ever use for the plates'o'meat.

Quick bitch-don't know how, as its never been opened, but I suspect perhaps from the packaging I might have come into contact with some of my SOCl2 near the base of my big toe, as its stinging like hell and burning, irritated as hell.  I finally took my morphine earlier, after not doing for about most of two days (one dose initially, smaller than usual, because I want to try alpha-chloromorphide, a chlorinated derivative of morphia that usually is only used in either research or as a synthetic intermediate in the transformation of morphine to other compounds, but in and of itself, is not used clinically, and there are few if any reports of it being in man, although it is of reportedly some 10x the potency by weight of morphine itself, I figure it would be interesting to make a couple of bioassays to ascertain potency in humans, duration of action, test for speed of tolerance aquisition and duration of tolerance in time, speed of decline, etc. (by deliberately inducing a small to moderate quantity of additional tolerance from that which results from my usual pain med schedule) so as to be able to get a good idea of its tolerance potential, potential for respiratory depression, lessening of GI motility, and histamine release, as well as oral bioavailability.

And of course not forgetting euphorigenic potential. I'm not sure if the citation of 10x morphine on a mg. for mg. basis is in an animal species or in mankind, so I will, perforce, be cautious. But that would represent a substantial improvement, assuming the compound itself is up to scratch, 10mg of morphine to 100mg worth, now that is quite something. But a safe enough increase to handle and measure out, rather than fucking with something thats way too potent to measure properly or handle safely, such as for example, fentanyl or relatives such as alfentanil, sufentanil and remifentanil, lofentanil, that I've tried out of the family (not made myself, largely for that reason, too potent, a speck of dust's worth of a quantity adhering to the strap of one's gas mask, and coming into contact with the fingers when taking it off, or a tiny nick in your gloves allowing it to make it through the skin, especially if theres a scratch or abrasion or cut could easily be enough with most of the fentanyls, and with lofentanil it would be a certain death sentence, because that stuff is astonishingly potent, even for a fentanyl derivative. Remifentanil one might get away with because of its ultra-ultrashort duration of action (minutes after a continuous infusion is shut off and its all gone)

But 10x is quite safe with responsible lab technique, and especially for somebody who already takes opioids daily for chronic pain and has a tolerance, that would allow me to even accidentally, absorb much more than I would come into contact with doing the work (in contrast, even albert hoffmann when working on ergot alkaloid derivatives managed to absorb an active dose of LSD from his fingers, and he was a very careful, methodical, expert professional chemist, had that been many, indeed almost all of the fentanyls would have killed him outright had be been working on those and absorbed the same quantity of it that he must have of LSD for activity to show itself)

I can certainly absorb a dose of 1g morphine sulfate/HCl without unwelcome or unpleasant side effects, and at 1>10 ratio of effect I'd have to absorb, accidentally a full 100mg to equal that. There's just no way.

I'm also quite interested to know how either other halide substituents, or other highly electronegative moieties like nitro, cyano (possibly, not too sure on that one), rhodanide, or pentafluorosulfanyl (I don't think a 1,1,1-trifluoromethyl group would do in this case, owing to the fact that methylmorphine is better known as codeine and represents not only significant drop in potency but also making it an obligate prodrug requiring loss of the methyl group. That  said, its in the 3-position rather than the no.6 carbon on codeine, but heterocodeine, where the 3-position methyl ether is switched around and located instead on the 6 position, is around 6x the potency of morphine. So come to think of it, there would be at least some of any trifluoromethylheterocodeine derivative produced from codeine via metabolism in vivo. I'll have to think more about that one.

I'd not use morphine to make it though. In any case, codeine would be a better precursor for a prodrug to it (it, being 6-(1,1,1-trifluoromethoxy)codeine that is ), and certainly a much much much less valuable one.  And equally importantly not one that requires a prescription and is thus available in limited quantities.

Also got a prescription for some antibiotics, continuing the course I was already taking for my ear and additionally some drops to clear it.

Quick bitch-I woke up from taking a nap on the sofa, to the very distinct scent of SO2. I can still smell it, and more to the point, feel it as a slightly acidic tang in my nose. I am surprised my old man hadn't said anything, or noticed it. I noticed most when waking up, because I assume that olfactory fatigue effect that happens when continually in the presence of a source of odour then the nose desensitizes to it, temporarily and one no longer, after a while, still smells it. Made my eyes sting a bit too, although they were probably a bit dry anyway, as I'd only just woken up and opened them, still all sleepy and drowsy (the bottle of my thionyl chloride is, at this particular moment in time, still on my coffee table, with my tobacco, some donuts, gaviscon, steroid cream, nail clippers, that kind of thing plus spare e-cig juice and heating coils for the e-cig)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11680 on: August 18, 2016, 12:09:42 AM »
I *really* don't want that doctor's appointment. :(
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11681 on: August 18, 2016, 12:37:01 AM »
Then why did you make it? and if its not important then why not cancel? And why is it you don't want it?

I fell asleep again earlier, and once again awoke to the smell of SOx.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11682 on: August 18, 2016, 05:10:26 AM »
Kayleigh has been very depressed lately, spending all of her time in her room mostly sleeping. She told me she has been taking overdoses of her meds - she just wants to sleep. I took her to her doctor today and the doctor organised for a crisis worker to ring her, which they did about half an hour ago. They will bring up Kayleigh's case tomorrow morning at a meeting. In the meantime I have offered to Kayleigh that if she feels the need to go to hospital, I will take her. That is all I can do, I am very worried about her.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11683 on: August 18, 2016, 05:13:34 AM »
Kayleigh has been very depressed lately, spending all of her time in her room mostly sleeping. She told me she has been taking overdoses of her meds - she just wants to sleep. I took her to her doctor today and the doctor organised for a crisis worker to ring her, which they did about half an hour ago. They will bring up Kayleigh's case tomorrow morning at a meeting. In the meantime I have offered to Kayleigh that if she feels the need to go to hospital, I will take her. That is all I can do, I am very worried about her.

  She's lucky to have you keeping an eye on her.  Remember to take care of yourself.  :hug:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #11684 on: August 18, 2016, 07:56:09 AM »
Good luck to her.  How come she no longer posts here btw ren?

As for me, just had a seizure (myoclonic type) whilst trying to wake up. The shitty thing is when it happens whilst I am asleep, I become fully aware of it yet 'locked in' due to the REM amyotonia preventing me from moving at all, at least, voluntarily. So its very difficult to get out of it enough to grab my bottle of chlormethiazole, which now stays with me whenever I sleep. But managed in the end to will myself to return to wakefulness and somehow get the bottle open and get one down me. It has done the trick fairly quickly, the seizure stopped as rapidly as the drug took effect, which I am glad to say happens really really quickly with chlormethiazole, just the time it takes for the capsules to burst inside me and release the contents; its present in the form of the oily, very lipophilic freebase in the capsule form so it takes effect very fast, and I am pleased to say is very effective indeed, stops the seizure within minutes of the caps opening.

Still; I fucking hate seizures.
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