I wonder what happened to Callaway. 
Should we ask Adam to look for her?
Or could she have eloped, with Lutra, he seems to be missing too. 
Now I'm getting nervous, where are they? 
Now Callaway returned. "Hi Callaway"
But, what happened to Lutra?
Doesn't he live in your neighborhood? 
He lives about 200 km away from where I live.
He lives in the south, where Carnaval is taken serious and is loud. He hates it, no surprise there. Have not seen him online since.
I'm worried about him. There is an article in today's paper about male otter's genitalia shrinking. Scientists are worried that it may lead to reproductive difficulties. (FYI, his avatar is an otter)
Well, now you mention it, that could give us hope.
It's spring, he may be wooing a female otter.
Let's hope he does take care, when crossing roads and other otter perils.