Spent the morning making phone cals, and four out of the six people I talked to were named Dave.
After 24 years working in the retirement home, I've lost count of all the Marys, Gladyses, Helens, etc. 
I often try to guess what a client's age will be based on first name when I get a new person. I can get it within a decade pretty often.
Then, based on age and/or insurance, what their problem will really be. Or to guess partway through the first interview. I have never intaken a grateful dead fan who didn't have a HELL of a drug history. I also sometimes wonder if anyone in the area I work in in their 20s isn't addicted to opiate pills.
Names come in cycles too. There are batches of Yvonnes and Yolandas here, either just over 50, or around 30. The latter often spelled just a little bit different.
I have an older style name because I was named after a nurse at the hospital where I was born.
I am thinking about something I saw on the news earlier. They were talking about how some kids have been cured of their autism with intensive therapy at a very early age. Like 40 hours per week. They said some kids got rid of their diagnosis completely by the time they were teenagers. I wonder where the cutoff point is - like when is a child too old to be "cured".