I wish everyone would stop criticising Jimmy Savile. 
When I was 8, he fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded.
Sorry, it's probably too British. It refers to a popular TV show that Sir Jimmy Savile used to host called 'Jim'l fix it' whereby he would make kids dreams come true by arranging for them to meet their favourite band, or go in a hot air balloon or whatever they wrote to him about.
It wasn't the cow that was blindfolded
think about being blindfolded and milking a cow?
bearing in mind 300 women have come forward to say he got them, as kids to play with him.
I know about Jimmy's TV show, in spite of not being British. The fact that I know about it is bothering me, though.
And now, with Jimmy's little adventures on the side being exposed everywhere, I wish I didn't.