Today my younger sister had to undergo some tests in the local hospital. She found a little lump in one of her breasts and went to doctor and.. Friday the test results will be given and I just really really hope it's nothing nasty.
Albeit being a terrible 'help' with these things (comforting someone I love who is in worry/pain/distress/etc.. ) I think I should buy her a bunch of flowers tomorrow.. and ja, pay her a visit.
I hope it's nothing serious.
Me too. The flowers and the visit should help. 
What a long wait. Got a mammapoli not too far away from here, and there you get four tests done in the morning, and the results you will hear after lunch. And, if it turns out bad, you get your follow up plan laid out before you then too.
Hope your sister will be fine, and that the waiting doesn't stress her out too much.