That grin has 'up to something' written all over it

And currently thinking 'fuck am I ever hungry', damn glad I have 3/4 of a roast chicken, cold from the fridge the way I like it. Christ...the smell of the open bottle of habanero sauce is making my mouth water, possibly also my eyeballs bleed a bit round the edges but.....

And wondering why my attention span is so prone to wandering today. I SHOULD be reading K.W.Bentley's 'the chemistry of the morphine alkaloids'...but busy reading some computer security stuff online at the same time

And its still trying to wander the bushes at the bottom of the garden covered in very recently ripened blueberries that need eating. They don't get any better than that, fresh off the plant. Its very rare that any actually ever get as far as the kitchen door to go into a bowl, I CBF going to get sugar when it delays filling my face.