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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3630 on: July 17, 2012, 03:05:41 AM »
Hoping the book I ordered will arrive today.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3631 on: July 17, 2012, 03:11:44 AM »
Its great having my old pal Clare around again.  She is funny.  She is good looking. She can cook.   She even 'deals' with spiders!  The urchin loves her.  Oh dammit i love her too.... but why hasn't she got a cock? :orly:
blah blah blah

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3632 on: July 17, 2012, 03:26:13 AM »
Don't let that stop you :P just make sure to post videos after (or during, even more fun xD)

And deal with spiders? I don't see why they would be a problem, they are very clean creatures, and help keep the number of disease-carrying pests like flies, mosquitos etc. down.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3633 on: July 17, 2012, 03:27:57 AM »
Damn it, I must be getting old. I read Bodie's post but didn't ask her to post pics. :P
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3634 on: July 17, 2012, 03:33:42 AM »
No, i will stay platonic with Clare.  She ticks a lot of the boxes,  but the 'cock' one,  is the big one right at the top of the list.  :P

She isn't bossy enough either.   :police:

Spiders,  yeah,  nice enough i am sure.  Prefer to see them in books or on the telly.  It's the legs.  Fucking eight of them.  eeeeewwwwwww.
blah blah blah

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3635 on: July 17, 2012, 03:51:18 AM »
They  might well think the same about us.

Two legs, long history of squashing them, nasty little brats that think MAKING them have only two legs is funny...that would make me think 'bunch of bastards' alright if I was a spider :P

I quite like them personally. My former near neighbors kids, one of them had a pet tarantula, which was a cute 'lil thing.

I've been meaning to clean out the fish tank left behind by the bitch from hell for ages, so I can get a pet scorpion, just have to find a good time to do it.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3636 on: July 17, 2012, 04:31:22 AM »
I don't feel the same way about tarantulas.  Chunky spiders are cool.  Even touchable.   It's the ones that crawl around my bath,  conveniently just as i want to run one!  or sneak up on me when they know i am alone and defenceless, and then proceed to expose me to their ghastly ritual of rubbing their two skinny horrid legs together... like they are warming up for a fight  :zoinks:

Yeah i know it's irrational.  It's silly.  I know i am much bigger than them.  I can laugh at myself...when i am not suffering the company of one!

Insect or animal amputation is horrific.  They don't die here!  I simply section off that part of the house until help arrives and they can then be safely evicted.
blah blah blah

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3637 on: July 17, 2012, 04:51:48 AM »
LOL bodie, isn't that a bit...extreme?

Glad you don't kill them though. Animal cruelty is one of those things that will quite certainly cause me to lose any respect I might previously of had for the one responsible, chew them more new arses than a kleptomaniac in a leper convention could acquire in a month of sundays, and if I can get away with it, the guilty sack of shite is very likely to find out what it might be like to be tortured and beaten. Makes me sad that I can't just kill them on sight, at least, those who are torturing or casually tormenting and killing animals.

I don't have a problem with killing for food. I'd starve if I didn't, most likely. At the very least, there would be very, very little for me to eat. And I will kill animals if I have to for my own safety, but even then, not if I can't find another way of dealing with them.  For instance, wasps, I never kill them, weather or not they are in the house, or just stung me, I'll catch them and dump them outside.

About the only time I do kill any sort of animals, is when its for their own good. Like the sewer rat I had to shoot once...that was NOT a pleasant thing to have to do. Found it, obviously poisoned and dying, slowly, in town after getting off a tram. I'm not going to leave it to suffer, and figured a shot to the head from close to point blank is going to be by far the merciful option, compared to leaving it to suffer for days.

Had a pet spider for quite a while, a brown widow. But she was murdered by the pigs when they raided the house, illegally I might add, a while back. She had just laid two egg sacks, and I was caring for her, and at least 100 (at the low end) young, when I got back later that day from the pig shop, they were ALL dead, as was the other egg sack.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3638 on: July 17, 2012, 05:33:15 AM »
Thinking that I've been wanting to shoot some of my oxycontin all day for some reason, but have had no syringes or needles. Did have a micron filter, but a sodding lot of good that will do with nothing either to filter something into, or a needle to shoot up with once its filtered.

Just got a package delivered, don't know what it is, but I didn't order any new lab equipment, or any reagents/ this SHOULD be my order. I do hope so.

Yay. do a fine job I think, helping to reduce the harm amongst more typical IV users (by that I mean, users of street drugs, especially those without a good understanding of medicine, physiology, neurology, biochem and pharmacology, etc.), by distributing very low cost, sterile rigs/syringes/needles, sterile water single use amps, single-use medical quality citric acid/vitamin C (for H users, who are getting heroin base rather than HCl, that has to be cooked up with an acid to make it soluble in water), along with distributing harm reduction literature and posters for no cost whatsoever.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 05:41:37 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3639 on: July 17, 2012, 06:00:37 AM »
Thinking that I've been wanting to shoot some of my oxycontin all day for some reason

It's called addiction.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3640 on: July 17, 2012, 10:11:22 AM »
Its great having my old pal Clare around again.  She is funny.  She is good looking. She can cook.   She even 'deals' with spiders!  The urchin loves her.  Oh dammit i love her too.... but why hasn't she got a cock? :orly:

What wound up happening with that guy Clare was engaged to?

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3641 on: July 17, 2012, 12:08:03 PM »
A hint in one of the newsletters I got today said that Spiders "taste" with the pads of their feet.  They don't like Lemon Pledge (a lemon flavored furniture polish) and will avoid it.  Just don't use it in the tub.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3642 on: July 17, 2012, 12:41:25 PM »
I am physically dependent, Peter; yes. Have been for a fair few years, a little shorter of a time period than that of my being on a repeat rx of opioids, not sure what I can do about that though, other than cessation of regular/daily use. I see it as the lesser of the two evils though by a considerable way. The greater one being having to take opioids daily coupled with being in constant pain, weather I do, or not. I CAN walk without, although I use a cane, but I can't run, not sure how much is pain and how much is physical impairment though, certainly, a mixture of both.

I've been an on and off opiate user for quite a long time prior to my knee getting anywhere near as bad as it is now, and for many years before the relatively recent development of my hip problem, and since before the issues with neuropathy (thanks a whore-begat bunch, surgeons, I'm ever so shitting grateful! Could at least have fixed my knee while you were cutting me open and playing whack-a-mole with my sensory nerves.)

Not difficult here in the UK, since codeine, dihydrocodeine, morphine, and tincture of opium cough syrups are all available here with nothing more than the pharmacist asking (usually. Technically they are obligated to, but its not uncommon they don't, who its for, WHAT is it for, sometimes if the purchaser has ever had it before, and the limit, usually but not always, sometimes one gets lucky, a limit to one bottle/box of tablets per customer, and they don't like selling to the same buyer too often either. Lol, they are even good enough to make tincture of opium chewy candies :D

And opium poppies grow wild, and are easy to grow, quite legally, until/unless one prepares it for consumption, lances the pods for opium, or does an extraction, they are a nice treat when they are in-season. The climate could be better its true, but they certainly do produce, when I had less tolerance thanks to not being on a script, and when I hadn't been on them years I've gotten absolutely bloody smashed flat from one jug of tea from decent pods :D

Also legal, although not OTC are O-desmethyltramadol (although I cannot tolerate tramadol, its also an SNRI, and anything elevating noradrenaline levels is pretty much poison in my book), kratom (Mitragyna speciosa, a south-east asian small tree, with a spectrum of Mu-opioid receptor agonists, delta-OR agonists, amongst other things, this one is OTC from head shops, and quite pleasant. Various research chemicals are also unscheduled, and a few other plants. There are others also, various opioids that are rx-only in other countries, are unscheduled here thankfully :)

I don't consider myself an opioid addict. I would bee the first one to admit it if I did/was, I have been addicted to other things in the past, and I have always been open about it (other than, of course, to the filth. To who's piggy snouts and dishonorable natures honesty is rarely the best policy, of course [no bloody shite]), I did when I was addicted to GBL, and to barbital, the first barbiturate, now obsolete for decades worldwide in medical practice.

I'd way sooner have say, a shot of oxy, a jug of pod tea, an ice-cold pint or two and a joint, than get drunk, which I do not enjoy much at all, thats just my personal preference however.

I've done coke, amphetamine, methamphetamine, N-ethylamphetamine, methylphenidate, and I have tried crack (really did not care for it, I've only ever smoked base a few times, not sure exactly how many, but can quite literally count them on the fingers of one hand with a finger left over, first time I only found out about it AFTER taking it), as well as trying heroin (enjoyed the IV opioids, as well as methadone a lot, but never became a regular user, aside from when I got wrongfully remanded after becoming addicted to barbital/veronal, and the filth found my lab, just assumed I was some sort of fucking terrorist type!, I did smoke H fairly often, as well as take buprenorphine, but inside there is literally fuck all to do, other than watch shitty TV, and if I was really lucky, take a few books out a week. At the speed I read, a thick, long book like lord of the rings for instance will literally last me two days.

LOL; it is too bad that dealers on the out do not take a few packs of baccy and/or bags of cookies in payment for a wrap of smack :P), methadone, IV morphine, various PCP, eticyclidine analogs, ketamine, and all sorts of other stuff, from MDMA and its beta-ketone analog methylone, to more unusual stuff like strychnine (it is well known as a poison, but in small doses its also a highly atypical type of stimulant, acting as an antagonist at strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors), DMT, yopo snuff (made from the seeds of certain trees in the genus Anadenanthera, main active is bufotenine, its traditionally used by some tribes of amazonian 'indians', diethyl ether, inhaled and by mouth, alpha-methyltryptamine, 5-methoxy-n,n-diallyltryptamine, amongst plenty of other stuff.

Interestingly (to me at any rate), I am not at all a fan of the entactogen/empathogens like MDMA/beta-C=O-MDMA etc. Other than, of the ones I have tried, alpha-methyltryptamine, a true full blown 5HT2aR agonist psychedelic, I have a theory that its got something to do with auties having less oxytocin in general, the so-called cuddle hormone, than NTs do, I am not built to be a touchy-feely loved up close contact fanatic...ICK:P Nasty!

Although I do recognize the great therapeutic and healing potential to those with PTSD o  those who have been traumatized, or those who are closed off from themselves. I have PTSD myself, and after taking AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine, the only entactogen that really agrees with me, that I actually enjoy, thanks to it being a full blown classic psychedelic. Took it several times whilst on a long solo hike in my favourite woods, searching for wild mushrooms to eat, and for medicine, so I could be alone with my thoughts, pick through and analyze my emotions, and after many hours, starting early, before dawn, at first light, and after taking several carrier bags full of delicious wild fungi for breakfast, found myself a quiet little woodland glade, and curled up at the base of a tree, still tripping nicely ehehe, watching the world pass by, again enjoying being alone with my thoughts, and thankful for the ability to engage with the sources of my traumatic experiences responsible for my PTSD without it triggering my fight/flight response or being painful to recall or deal with, allaying my inherent fears that would otherwise bee, in a word, fucking well truly shit-your-britches terrifying on a gut level; after a good 4-5-6 hours ish of that part of my AMT work (heh, well, I daresay, mixing business with pleasure :)), staying in my little clearing, I just curled around my tree and went to sleep.

Its helped me a ton, having got nowhere when trying to overcome my PTSD-related issues when completely un-influenced by anything other than my regular rx meds over a couple of years at least. I feel its time for another couple of mycological forays, with some AMT, a nice chilled crate of beer in my backpack, my rollups, MP3 player and some good herb :)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.


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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3643 on: July 17, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
Do you still have opioids OTC in the UK? I thought that was one of the worst police states in Europe  ???

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #3644 on: July 17, 2012, 01:41:43 PM »
It is that. Fucking infested with bacon.  Ignorant rat-bastard sons of whores that they are. But yes, one can walk into most pharmacies and come out with a bottle of morphine cough mixture for example. No RX needed. Just answer a few questions and there you go....lots of opioid goodness :)

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.