I, on the other hand want is a smart, funny, kind and honest adult who has his shit at least as well together as me and whose physical appearance at least doesn't actively repel me, to be close friends with and who's a fantastic lay, (or is trainable, which amounts to the same). Which I know actually *is* a really tall order to fill.
I suppose the first question is "where are you looking"? That doesn't actually seem like a tall order to fill.

To be a little more specific, I'm looking for guys withing an hour's driving distance of me who're in their mid to late 20s.
It really
is difficult to find someone who's actually intelligent, actually kind, and actually honest- just in general, not even to date. And finding such a person who isn't developmentally still in his teen or college years seems next to fucking impossible. Everyone's either still living at home or doesn't have a car or is in an even worse financial situation than I am. Or drinks a lot. Or wants kids (usually because of a lack of foresight/understanding about what having kids would actually be like, vs. the idea that they would somehow be immortalized by breeding.)