Your dad was my initial thought. Have you looked under things like bed, couch, etc? Could it be in a drawer? In the pocket of some clothes?
Good movie ppk.

Yep. I've looked everywhere, The couch (we have a sectional.) So it isnt hard to check there, Took all the cushions off broke up the couch, looked under it. Looked in all my drawrs, bed, under my bed, closet, kitchen cupboards, bathroom. Etc. EVERYWHERE
The little guy is gone. My dad does really weird shit, (hes mentally ill.) Like he will sit in the dark in the living room and "talk" to God. Gods even told him to buy certain things, wich he then ran out and bought. He also Stares at the palm of his hand for like hours. (Wich if you ever see a dude doing that, It is a little freaky to say the least.) So I think god told him to hide it from me, Or take it So I wouldnt go back to arizona