btw you can smack me anyway, if you really want to
You should totally say that first thing to every hot girl you ever meet, ever.

lol do you mean my thread about new years eve? why would I have been trolling 
I wasn't
I do actually think you are the best person here to ask for advice on social stuff
although tbh that is probably mainly because you are young, hot and female. but also you seem to know more about this shit than most here. maybe because, however fucked up you may be, at least you're not an aspie 
I figured that out by your response; prior, I realized only after I'd posted that I had made sort of a WP-eqsue post in response.
And, ironically, I developed an obsessive interest about having a broader social circle and meeting new people over the last year, so my ability to respond was based more on my aspielike approach to social than on any natural skillz I may have.