Are you suuuuure you're not aspie?
Expecting my love of excel to translate to my overall placement on the spectrum is like expecting a soft-spoken person to be submissive in the bedroom. Don't stereotype me, woman!
I enjoy creating excel files in my free time. Like, I legit totally do. Am I a pod person or something.
Yes you are. Please return to the mothership. This planet is of no interest to you.
Yes, it is. It has many categorizable things. Things that can be COLOR CODED. 
Begone, evil alien, or I'll have Jeff Goldblum infect your mothership with a Macintosh virus.
That's actually a cliche'd pickup line on my home planet.
And "phone home" the other one? 
Actually, the correct phraseology is "I'd like to phone YOUR home 'till you say 'Ouuucccccchhhhhh.'"
We are similar to earth not only in that we have water and carbon-based life forms but also that we have grammar, you know.