Author Topic: Post what you are thinking right now, part two  (Read 326861 times)

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #855 on: October 21, 2011, 07:46:05 PM »
I am thinking i need to learn how to act like a normal person around people if I ever want to be treated like a normal person.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #856 on: October 21, 2011, 08:52:20 PM »
Reinstalling The Sims 3, all expansion packs too. Yep, going to take a while. Eh, I need to have an alternative to Minecraft. Not in the mood for Deus Ex for now.
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #857 on: October 21, 2011, 08:56:29 PM »

Minecraft looks like a really fun game. It's one of those games that I won't play, because I'd get way too consumed by it.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #858 on: October 21, 2011, 09:03:00 PM »

Minecraft looks like a really fun game. It's one of those games that I won't play, because I'd get way too consumed by it.

Yeah it's addictive. You were warned. :laugh:

So far I've built a bridging network over marshland and mountains, gravel roads, fencing for mining areas, a large sugar cane and wheat farm, a animal pen (with chicken coup and food storage barn, once I've finished it), and to think I've only explored less than 1% of the world. I found that building infrastructure is very important to ensure you don't get lost as the world is so large, it takes ~820 hours in real life to reach the world map edge from the centre srsly.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 09:05:23 PM by Ren Hoek »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #859 on: October 21, 2011, 09:20:10 PM »

I was into Eve Online a couple years back, and I really like the building part of those games. From mining the raw materials all the way into making something useful. That's really fun to me.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #860 on: October 22, 2011, 05:14:24 AM »
Can't think of anything to post about.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #861 on: October 22, 2011, 02:13:16 PM »
I found this while reading about a place where I lived for part of my childhood:

The Battle Of Bowes Rigg

In 1997, tensions ran high between the bourgeois residents of Bowes Rigg and the so-called "scum" of the lower reaches of Stewarton. Together with the mysterious dark lords of Draffen Mount, the Bowesriggians controlled most of Stewarton from their lofty position; their influence extending as far as Sainsbury's and Lothian Road. However, all was not well among the lower classes. Angry at the new EU quotas on "Mars bars in batter," and harsh Bowesriggian rationing saw a large divide growing between the lower classes and their betters. The final straw arrived when local "Ned" William Nightingale, draped in his Burberry Battle Robes, poached a prize elephant from the leafy depths of The Cunny. Seeing this as a hostile attack on their heartland, the Bowesriggians retaliated by decorating most of Lainshaw in clashing crepe paper patterns. This was to have tragic effects, when a stray crackpipe ignited the paper, causing widespread devastation, and almost totally wiping out the Stewarton Space Programme- which is still struggling to recover. In an unprecedented show of strength, Robertland and Lainshaw became allies, and attempted to storm Bowes Rigg, before deciding they "couldnae be arsed".

Tensions reached fever pitch when Robertland-allied Cuba announced its plans to build a nuclear weapons base in the Millhouse. The then-Mayor of Bowes Rigg, Martin O'Brien, warned that any attempt to place nuclear weapons in the Millhouse would lead to an immediate strike on The Smuggs and The Arms; both crucial suppliers to both Robertland and Lainshaw. Cuba eventually backed down.

The simmering pot of anger finally boiled over on the morning of May 15th 1997. A stone through the window of a lower Bowes Rigg house resulted in a 4-month sword fight, the gutters running red with blood. The effects of this could, until recently, still be seen on 'The Red Ash Path;' a path beside the Annick which was so stained with blood that, despite industrial quantities of Vanish and some house-wife knowhow, had to be covered in Tarmacaddam. Peace was brokered on Christmas Eve 1997, when the respective leaders of both sides- having drawn each other as a "Secret Santa"- bought each other really thoughtful gifts. Not expensive, but meaningful y'know?

In total, over 13 million people were killed in the Battle Of Bowes Rigg. A small plaque at the summit (accessible only by giant hawk) is the only reminder of this black period in Stewarton's history. While tensions still exist today, the ceding of The Cunny to young tribes of "Neds" has to some extent alleviated the problem.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #862 on: October 22, 2011, 03:09:56 PM »
Thinking I would be waving to Lit, if there was a shoutbox here. 
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #863 on: October 22, 2011, 03:56:06 PM »

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #864 on: October 22, 2011, 04:06:58 PM »

Interesting perspective, Eris.

I worked my ass off, started saving for college at 16, and got merit scholarships to go to a state university as well.  I lived in a tiny apartment and didn't have a car at all although I did have a credit card which I used very carefully and paid off in full every month whenever it was possible.

I think that the person pooh-poohing the sign holder's state university education was being kind of snotty.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #865 on: October 22, 2011, 04:10:29 PM »
why is it that the younger and dumber they are the more I am attracted to them ?

If Im honest I think you're attracted to them on one level - an aesthetic level.
I think once you find a guy who can keep up with you intellectually you'll forget all about your current type.  ;)

But I know what you mean , I've found utter idiots hawt , as well as some assholes , I'm destined to become a tragic mess it seems.  :laugh:

 That's funny and sad and endearing all at the same time, but not necessarily true.  :hug:

It wasn't serious , just saying the type of guys I get attracted to aren't good news necessarily.  :laugh:

 I have had phases like that myself.  Eventually my taste improved.  8)

You ended up here.   :zoinks:
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #866 on: October 22, 2011, 04:28:12 PM »
why is it that the younger and dumber they are the more I am attracted to them ?

If Im honest I think you're attracted to them on one level - an aesthetic level.
I think once you find a guy who can keep up with you intellectually you'll forget all about your current type.  ;)

But I know what you mean , I've found utter idiots hawt , as well as some assholes , I'm destined to become a tragic mess it seems.  :laugh:

 That's funny and sad and endearing all at the same time, but not necessarily true.  :hug:

It wasn't serious , just saying the type of guys I get attracted to aren't good news necessarily.  :laugh:

 I have had phases like that myself.  Eventually my taste improved.  8)

You ended up here.   :zoinks:

 Best thing I've ever done.  8)
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--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #867 on: October 22, 2011, 04:42:33 PM »


Interesting perspective, Eris.

I worked my ass off, started saving for college at 16, and got merit scholarships to go to a state university as well.  I lived in a tiny apartment and didn't have a car at all although I did have a credit card which I used very carefully and paid off in full every month whenever it was possible.

I think that the person pooh-poohing the sign holder's state university education was being kind of snotty.

I don't think they were saying there is anything wrong with a state education. Their point is that it's highly unlikely to get into the 1% without an Ivy League education.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #868 on: October 22, 2011, 06:53:24 PM »
Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College in Portland, Oregon after one semester because of a lack of money, but he still audited classes there and slept on friends' floors for a couple more years.  Bill Gates attended Harvard, but never finished his degree.  Paul Allen dropped out of Washington State University after two years and convinced Bill Gates to drop out of Harvard as well, to start their own business called Microsoft.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #869 on: October 22, 2011, 07:22:11 PM »

I know it's possible, but I still maintain it's highly unlikely.