Speaking of silver (in another thread), I am running up against problems with the moving company regarding valuables like my huge collection of coinage and mass of bulk silver.
I thought my two large Browning safes and one smaller Prestige safe full of weaponry collectibles would be the biggest problem. I am still troubled about the logistics side of this dilemma. More figuring to do with this.
They have to inventory every item of value they move. I have one hundred fifty eight rolls of silver half dollars, fifty something rolls of silver quarters and over three hundred rolls of silver dimes from my efforts at bank scrounging over the past few years, stored secretly in my "bolted to the concrete" safes. I have posted about a few successes, but many more lackluster trips have happened. It adds up eventually.
I do have a complete inventory of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING copied in multiple locations for insurance purposes. I'm there, but not sure how much comfort I can ever know from allowing a few random guys working for a third party company to see, let alone record, all this "wealth."
I have ordered a third LARGE Browning safe. Moving my collection of weaponry will be done by my own hands. I will not allow anyone to inventory my fifty year old collection! Just need a place to deliver the new safe now, other than my own (soon to disintegrate) garage.