There's an old funeral parlour for sale with an unknown price. I could convert it into a residence (plenty of freezer space. Nice stainless steel 'island bench' for the kitchen
Crush boi is going to find out how much they want for it. Probably too much I reckon, there's a LOT of floorspace.
Many years ago I spotted this old abandoned rock built school house in the woodsy back country area. It looked to be in decent, restorable condition after many years of neglect, but it would need EVERYTHING.
It was an old two room school (big kids on one side, little tykes on the other) with an entry way for coats and muddy boots that was larger than the house we lived in at the time. Two huge rooms with original cast iron wood burning stoves from the WWI era, one large full width entry way and an exit way, smaller than the front in depth but still easily a bedroom's depth.
There were multiple basketball goals on every possible vertical surface. "Damn, a lot of balls bounced in here!" came to mind.
It would have taken a lot of work and money to make it modern and livable to my comfort level.
Who ever bought the property (probably a bargain at a state auction) tore the school house down and built a fancy new home.