How would that even work. England is 5 hours ahead of Toronto, Sweden is 6 hours, Australia is 14 hours and Pyraxis is 3 hours behind my time zone.
Well, i dunno. i only know that i've managed to chat simultaneously with aspie mates in the USA and oz, on several occasions in the past, and that seemed pretty simple at the time (giventhat i was willing and able to stay up pretty late) . But trying to reconcile people who wont meet anywhere but London with folk who;ll go anywhere except London; folk who can't meet up at weekends with folk who can't meetup on weekdays; folk who won't be joining in if So-and-so is coming, with So-and-so (who changes their mind at the 11th hour); folk who need the place to accessible by public transport with folk who won't contemplate anywhere except a field in the middle of Otmoor, because that's equitably equidistant from all interested parties, and everywhere else would give somebody else an unfair advantage...

well, ok, ok, that bit about the field in the middle of Otmoor was a slight exaggeration for humerous effect, but otherwise that's a pretty accurate resume of the contents of 30-40 ultimate;y pointless PMs, during the course of which someone from another continent demanded to know what all this secretive PM-ing was all about, and accused me of all sorts of underhand plotting

In short, i reckon that little puzzle should be relatively easy. But, for my own part, I'm a teeny bit tired of such puzzles

I 'd sooner somebody else figure it out this time Now
that's fair.
For my own part , I'm normally awake between midday and 2-3 am GMT, at present, but will
try to stretch to other times if that's not quite a broad enough slot for others. Also can be available almost every day, except for the day that gets picked (going by Sod's Law) , Would prefer to avoid Tuesday evenings, if possible, and Thursday evenings can be very dodgy for me (high chance of prior commitments) .