People I find contemptible who,
me I find amusing and stupid. Cause they seem to think that I am stupid or worse. I'm too old and cranky to play mind games.

I don't know if you mean me, Ozy, cause
- there's a pretty long list of people whom you find/found contemptible on this board. I'm not arrogant enough to think i'm special in that regard
- I wouldn't assume that your opinions are unchanged in all this time
so all i actually know is that you haven't addressed me directly in awhile (and I don't know if you've adressed me indirectly, now or ever) And that i , personally would rather not dwell on past altercations or do anything to set them in concrete. I prefer to recall that we were friends for a good few years way back when, and to otherwise dwell on your many positive qualities.
But anyway ( with that caveat that i've no idea if you're referring to me or someone else) I can surely only answer for myself, so here goes
I'll confess i'm a little bit nervous of plussing you, fearing that you might take it the wrong way. But every now and then I force myself past that nervousness, cos I think it's foolish and counterproductive; and that to avoid plussing a very good post, just because the poster had some negative things to say about me some years ago, would be really mean and petty on my part. And I'm just not like that. I've always been apt to plus the post, not the poster, and to try not to let questions of friendship or enmity cloud my judgement. And, so far as I can see, most of us, on this board, are just the same in that respect. (Indeed , I recall that very question being discussed on a thread here, awhile back)
I also think that this board is way too small for people to go round pointedly ignoring each other; that would bound to be noticeable, might create a bit of an atmoshere, and could even ruin some good discussuions. So I don't want to do that. I'd rather let bygones be bygones and hope that the other guy is of the same mind.
You have made some really excellent posts here and there, and you deserve credit for those. I'm not one for purposely withholding that credit as if i bear a grudge against you. I don't bear a grudge; so to act like I do would be fricking absurd
I don't think that any of that constitutes "mindgames". It's not even personal. That's just the way I think.
But anyway, after reading your post , i suppose that it's OK for me to carry on plussing you, every now and again. There are billions of worse things than my being thought of as ""amusing and stupid". by yourself. So no harm done. Right?
I just feel that an explanation was called for. Like I said, i don't know if you were talking about me, or somebosdy else, or maybe a whole bunch of folk. But wouldn't be at all susprised if others had a similar attitude to mine, so my answer might be somewhat enlightening in any case.
Anyway, this is all meant sincerely, and not as any kind of wind-up. I'm just telling it like it is, from my own POV, FWTW.
PS, I would very much appreciate you making it crystal clear if and when you mean me. There have been a few times when I've wondered if your posts referred to me , but I'm endeavoring
not to let myself get paranoid about that kind of thng, and to just accept that there's no way of knowing, and that- heigh ho!- it probably doesn't matter a hill of beans either way.