2 days later as odeon (and many others) predicted. The US now has the highest death rate. With over 20,000 deaths.
Highest death count, not rate. It's like those saying the US is testing more than everyone else. While it's true the US has administered the highest count of tests; the US ranks seventh in testing per populace. Words have meaning.

the thought that the death rate was gonna be under-reported over here struck me immediately I tried to get advice from 111 (being amongst the earliest suspected covid-19 cases in the UK). i was shunted onto an automated system which advised me self-isolate for a week, and to call back if symptoms got worse, or if they failed to get better by then. They didn't even want to know who i was or where i lived, or anything whatsoever about me, in fact. bet they didn;t even keep count of thenumber of callers.
It's not a nice thought at all, but i'm sure there must be untold numbers who took a sudden turn for the worse during self-isolation and whose bodies remain, not only untested but also undiscoverd.
Looking online, at that time, i found that my city had three conformed cases and laughed at the meaningessness of that info. We all knew that there were not enough testing kits to test even the NHS front line workers , so big sursprise there were any recorded cases at all