In the future, people will all remember what they were doing and where they were when the Coronavirus became self aware.

you mean the moment we heard that Boris Johnson had it? Now that was a laugh. Our newreaders were citing that as proof the the virus "doesn't disciminate" whilst yer average Brit was gleefully taking it as indicative of the polar opposite 
Nope. Got it all wrong again.
I was merely leaning more into the science fiction realm. Thinking how cool of a story could be written as we begin tracking the virus's attempts to communicate with us and our feeble struggle to understand what evidence we can identify.
Then as a punchline type scene where we finally understand its first words to us, coincidentally the same legendary words that "GOD" first uttered as GOD began to create the universe.
"I am."
I probably should have used that point in time as a thing the future will remember.
But as we both know, the need to explain a joke defines the joke's failure and degrees of failure could be interpreted if your need persists.