Avoid crowds (CHECK)
Keep at least six feet away from other people (CHECK, although I recommend twelve to fifteen feet.)
Avoid Restaurants or use carry out (CHECK, carry out rocks! I have used it for years.)
Avoid bars (CHECK, no problem there since I no longer imbibe.)
Wash hands every time you touch anything (CHECK Might have missed one, here and there, but NEVER any important ones.)
Stay home if possible (CHECK, I drive my kids to work, but I do not leave the car. HEY! They still have jobs!)
Avoid public transportation (CHECK, always have.)
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze (CHECK, simple courtesy, if nothing else.)
Avoid shaking hands (CHECK, but we were once too free with such greetings. No more and now I have good reason.)
Stock up on enough food and household items to last for a "while" (CHECK, we could live for six months from just our freezers and pantries full of food.)
Clean often touched surfaces often (CHECK, I do so, my wife does so, my daughter helps some, my son does a little. Pretty clean around here already.)
Kind of seems as if I have been as safe as possible from the evil Coronavirus for all of my life.
We are so lucky that my wife's job (UPS driver) has been deemed as essential by our government, so she keeps on working. My son works at a grocery store, so same deal. My daughter works at a restaurant, but it is very popular and they have a decent take out clientele. She has suffered reduced hours, but still working. I have nothing to do except for Daddy Taxi duties, which I will continue doing, but with as little exposure to the general public as possible.
We will be fine. This whole thing will eventually end. We will all be fine.