My dog was a four times returned to the Humane Shelter unwanted horrible beast when we got him. He was known as a biter. He bit people.
Oh, that means he was destined for euthanasia.
About half way through the second day with him I realized that he was not actually snapping at me, but if I approached on the side where he had recently lost an eye, he was snapping at the horror of the new blindness.
Yep. My dog is blind in one eye. No one wanted him, because, due to his fear of being blind, he attacked what surprised him that he could not see. Once I figured this out and I was more aware of his needs, I gained his confidence, slowly. No more biting, no more just randomly snapping at his blind side. You always let him see you approaching.
Yeah, a big pain in the ass for some people to have to deal with, but he has turned out to be just a regular dog and I love him dearly.
All he ever needed was love and understanding.
Sound familiar? Does that sound like you or me? Maybe both of us? Do not know, but I was able to gain his trust by just this bit of allowing him to be a little off and making him a solid, safe place to learn to live and love.
I take him with me in the car every time I leave home, except for a grocery run. Dogs are frowned upon when inside a grocery store. He loves to go with me everywhere.
I really love my oddball, dangerous, biter, unwanted dog. Not even to mention, he is beautiful!