Hyper vigilance sucks.

Hope you can let that go soon.
Would something like a massage help? Taking away the bodily signals of muscles telling you need to be hyper alert all the time?
Sometimes seeing the physiotherapist makes me sleep at night, because my neck and shoulders have been relieved from their 24/7 duty, and somehow my mind then listens. (If that makes sense )
Unfortunately, no. Having people I don't know touch my body is a massive no now. As are staying in hotels by myself. Having been digging at that with my psych but we've agreed I can't test trauma right now. My body is too riddled with it. In some ways it upsets me because both used to be something I looked forward to.
Damn, In that case, have another virtual

for what it's worth. At least you're able to tolerate those

I guess you;ve tried breathing exrcises and meditation , and...welll just about anything else we might suggest.
If you're willing to try something off-the-wall unscientific, I can recommend Bach Fower Remedies (specifically Star of Bethlehem). Seriously. Just don't tell these other spazzes or i'll never live it down.