SO will wear stuff until it's falling off of him and looks like someone used it as a shop rag.
I suppose, TBH I'd better confess that I'm the same

I've never thrown anything of his away...but I have been know to have "accidents" involving bleach and the wrong heat settings.
If you ever need anything shrunk 3 sizes smaller I'm the person to ask. 
Dammit, you and MOSW's wife both remind me of my Mum. She used to chuck
my embarrassing clothing in the bin cos she could, and i was too young to just walk out. She even chucked out unsuitable books (eg about sex) and excess books. I just managed to rescue a library book in the nick of time, once.
In other things, and with other people she showed her crafty side. One incident of craftiness was really funny, actually.
My Dad had given up smoking on Doctor's orders and Mum had given up along with him, as a show of solidarity. Well, more show than solidarity. She still had a crafty one when he wasn't looking. Once, when they were staying at my sisters, Dad was looking for his tablets, and Mum said ""They're in that brown bag in the bedroom upstairs". As soon as he went off , she pulled out a cig and lit it. Sister stared at her aghast . "He'll be back in a few seconds"
"No he won't" Mum smiled, "I told him the wrong bag"