Enjoy your ambrosia, miss K

What I'm thinking: 1/2 sheer fucking relief, at managing to persuade my GP, who initially was going to refuse to help, and leave me to suffer basically, because I've lost meds in the past (genuinely, and not often, such as accidentally leaving a pack with mostly snacks inside, nothing else of real value, but also my meds; up a hill somewhere in the yorkshire moors, in Settle, a little village that's kinda buttfuck nowhere even in yorkshire countryside terms, somewhere between watery lane, and a nearby fair size hill with mixed deciduous woodland over it, next to a load of sheep fields, after me and my old man went up there for a walk, (well that was my excuse, what I actually had in mind was mushroom picking, not that that would come as any surprise to my old man, who after 32 years is pretty thoroughly used to that particular ulterior motive of mine (well 28 years actually, given I was four years old by the time I taught myself to read, starting with a few basic mushroom field-guides, then begging for proper mycology textbooks to study to be bought for me, which I got, and used to teach myself both to read properly and teach myself what I could and could not eat; although I'd still bring home deadly poisonous species to study, and learn to better recognize on-the-spot in the field, perform chemical tests on them etc.)
And ended up back home, a drive of a good many hours, before realizing 'oh shit, my meds are up in a fucking sheep field', after I'd gone hiking up there to pick both edible (and very tasty indeed) Hygrocybe coccineus (scarlet hood, one of the waxcaps, waxcaps being mushrooms known for having a waxy, slippery texture to the cap surface and often very vivid colours. The scarlet hood being rather uncommon, but very good eating if one does find any, and is a lurid bright glowy shade of scarlet tinged with orange throughout, slightly translucent in the cap, and brighter than any fabric ink or artist's paints.)
As well as meadow waxcaps, Camarophyllus pratensis, and a fair few others, crimson waxcaps (Hygrocybe punicea), plenty of really good eating though, mostly waxcaps (genera Hygrocybe, Hygrophorus, Camarophyllus, some might include Hygrophoropsis), almost all of them if not all, being species of grasslands, meadows, a few toxic species but none known to be deadly, stomach upsetters at worst, some not known as to edibility, quite a fair number known edibles and among those, some which are really good to eat)
Not sure as I'd include Hygrophoropsis with the waxcaps myself though, H.aurantiaca being the classic example (false chanterelle), which is not a meadow species, really, and nothing like a waxcap.
But, the doc pulled through, just as well too as I couldn't get owt from my contact today, he's out of methadone and it'd have been too much to get on tick for gear, since that would have to be gotten by him, whilst the methadone it's his own rx, so he doesn't have to actually spend to send, other than shipping, and knows damn well I would never ask if I hadn't certainty to be good for my word.
That's one thing I've always believed in, never promise anyone anything if you either don't intend to keep said promise, or if you are not 100% certain as to ability to follow through.