Thinking right now that idiots seldom know a good thing when they see it.
I have a niece (not blood, but more spiritual - she is the daughter of my wife's oldest brother's wife and that brother's wife's first marriage) who was fired at her work yesterday.
She is a volunteer at several animal shelters and has done this work for about twenty years, mostly volunteering. She does not need to work. She wants to do this work.
When she was about to enter college, about twenty four years ago, her "bio-dad" set her up with a trust that would do everything for her after he died. Well as an eighteen year old, finding out she is destined to be a multimillionaire, she blew off college. She has since gone back and gotten a decent veterinary and social education, but his interfering with her mom's plans for her daughter was never done more cleverly by any other divorced asshole. He died about a year later.
So not needing to ever work, she followed her heart and spent most of her time in animal shelters and going to disaster sites to help take care of animals displaced or abandoned due to floods, hurricanes, tornadoes or anywhere there were forgotten pets or animals in distress. Oh, she is on her way to the Carolinas with five other people and a rental truck full of supplies to offer aide once the hurricane is done over there. This is something she has been doing since hurricane Katrina and probably will never stop. Great! Good for her and all.
But she fucked up a few weeks ago. In an effort to help place even more pets into proper hands, before they are euthanized due to "having been there too long," she began to post pics of herself interacting with some of these animals on her Facebook page. There is apparently a subsection in this latest animal society's by-laws about not promoting animal adoption using photos of people and animals, exactly what she thought might help.
Someone ratted her out and she was fired for violating policy.

This fucking sucks!