Didn't know chipmunks eat cherry tomatoes too. I guess I'll need to watch that.
Just started seeing them again here after about 20+ years and our "re-location project" from the early 90's late 80's. Used to be a ton of those suckers running around.
I think we re-homed over 30 of them. It worked well, too well. Didn't see ANY for years.
I have many of those damn "grassrats" in the neighborhood, along with raccoons, opossums, hedgehogs and rabbits. Rabbits eat my greens, opossums eat my fruit and tomatoes and grassrats just trash all my potted herbs. Raccoons mostly just dig and go through the garbage, making a big mess AND climbing all over my trellises and running around on the roof at night.
THAT sucks!

I recommend a dog. Both my recent dogs have helped tremendously. My last dog was apparently trained to leave rabbits alone. I have seen him just sit quietly watching a family of rabbits ravage my broccoli, but when he stood up out of his crouching, stalking position the rabbits ran like hell!
And even though both the opossums and raccoons were twice his size, he kept them on the run.
My current dog chases everything away. He won't even allow birds to land without engaging chase mode. Not much trouble from invading "pests" this year.
Last year I had my pump pellet guns (I have a pistol which fires sub-sonic and a powerful carbine which fires at speeds well over the speed of sound and will absolutely kill anything on four paws in my neighborhood) loaded and ready most all season after seeing the rabbits just gorging on my salad garden, but when I saw my late chihuahua stalking them and just passively scaring them away, I just felt that it was handled. I never shot one.