(eating a nice, ripe and crunchy asian pear. Odd fruit, pale yellow in color when ripe, crisp and crunchy but not as tough and resistant as a ripe apple or unripe pear, and not woody like pears can be, but juicy, sweet and with a distinctive flavor. Been munching on those recently, as I got a fair bit of fruit last time I went shopping for food, 8 asian pears, a two-pack of pomegranates that were on offer for cheaper than the price for one fruit (LOVE pomegranates and the juice of them), two big bunches of bananas, now, after a few days in a bag, developing brown spots on them, so they'll be nice and ripe and sweet when it comes to scoffing those, and something I've not had before, a weird melon, called an 'ice melon'. Looks..well...like a melon, but odd color. Started with a pale slightly greenish-tinted off white outer rind when it wasn't fully ripe and had patchy orangier colored stripes, which strangely, didn't turn out to be the color of the fruit itself outside (haven't opened it up yet so I don't know what it'll look like inside aside from the usual generic skin covering soft fruit with seeds in the middle probably) which it then lost, turning completely to that icy bluey-green tinted white color. And got a free orange, the local tesco supermarket has started putting out stalls of free fruit, so people can just take a piece and munch away, oranges, bananas, apples, I think pears, possibly, can't be sure about that. Nothing expensive or exotic, but afaik an effort to help people eat more fruit, and encourage kids to snack on fruit.
No charge, its just take one (and nobody bitches if you grab a couple and eat them as you shop. I'm not complaining, since free food is good food. Unless its vegetable of some sort since to me they aren't food. Sensory nightmare yes, food, only for target practice, in the sense of 'bullet food'

I certainly don't want to eat the fuckers. (in either case

Never had one of those before, kinda bought it on impulse.