
Author Topic: Post what you are thinking right now, part two  (Read 319650 times)

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9930 on: June 26, 2017, 02:52:36 AM »
Wondering how I'm going to get through the next 3 weeks  :thumbdn:
Alive. And exhausted but happy that it all went pretty OK.

Have you planned lots of empty days in your calendar? Think you need a few weeks like that in three weeks.  A few weeks with no more tasks than feeding and watering yourself and your loved ones. And lots of sleeping. Oh, and hanging some hammocks in the new garden, of course.
The rest of the time free to feel how tired you really are.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9931 on: June 26, 2017, 03:09:03 AM »
I'm lucky you like me anyway QV, you are one of my favourite people on here, and gave life to somebody I'm kinda crazy over, who if it were not for you, would never have drawn breath. I luv ya to bits anyway, but the latter alone would be reason enough for me to like you.

The fact you are responsible for the existence of the PR is quite enough for a significant amount of credit towards being on my good books.

You come anywhere near me with a set of bagpipes and a tube of KY jelly and you are going to get a flute stuck up your arse, a CPAP machine in your mouth and a couple of tin whistles connected to the rear end of a couple of skinless cats up the nose, be fed a diet consisting primarily of refried beans and truck-stop vendor-van mexican food and be PLAYED as a set of bagpipes, missy. Don't even think about it. Not unless you want to spend the rest of your life being inflated, squeezed and used as the means to scare off burglars after being mounted to the wall of my house. I'd give you a chair, and tie you to the wall, I like you far too much to use nails, I don't want you crucified of course, but that ain't gonna save you from ending up as a set of human bagpipes, the resultant vile, toneless discordant abomination being used as a combination of both burglar alarm and for anybody desparate enough to continue an attempt at home invasion, a means to torture the bastard ex post smack around the head with a big slab of lead after he wakes up, tied up in the lab, so the soundproofing keeps the mixture of miserable screaming and QV-pipe noise down to a level which won't overly disturb the neighbors, after I first remove all my glassware and relocate it to the room with the nasty chemical fridge so as to avoid having my prized glass possessions shattered by the nasty resultant noise.

Bagpipes aren't music, they are a primitive attempt at building a sonic weapon. if you were playing that horror round me, I'd have little alternative but to do my best to drown it out with some nice doom or industrial metal music:P

*pokes QV playfully and runs off sticking his tongue out*

Miss K-whatever is coming, I know you will get through it, like the strong, beautiful, driven and iron-willed, wonderful lady you are. You get stressed out and need someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. This offer is and always will be open to you whenever/if ever you so desire. I am always here for you, barring death or physical incapacitation or total loss of internet connectivity. If you want I'll give you my phone number and/or address via PM. Just ask.

*gives miss K a large store of big warm loving squeezes in advance of whatever stress is to come. Always more where they came from too :)*

You'll get through whatever it is. You are strong. Very strong, a lioness in purr-ty bipedal form who has given breath to strong, resilient monkeykids who obviously take after their mom. If arses need kicking, all you need worry about is not to get your knees lodged stuck within the associated duodenum/s. Or have your shoes sucked off and left in the mouth of the offender, like when stepping in deep mud with boots on.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9932 on: June 26, 2017, 09:44:01 AM »

This gives me the creeps, but I still laugh.

Thank you for making me roar with laughter today. 
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9933 on: June 26, 2017, 09:49:54 AM »
"Bagpipes aren't music, they are a primitive attempt at building a sonic weapon. if you were playing that horror round me, I'd have little alternative but to do my best to drown it out with some nice doom or industrial metal music:P

*pokes QV playfully and runs off sticking his tongue out*"

Since bagpipes are higher pitched than industrial or doom music, I think I'd win the sound wave wars.

A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9934 on: June 26, 2017, 11:33:08 AM »
Not always.

Take these two for example (btw both bands are called 'draconian' but the second one is from one of the nordic countries, the first from colombia, two entirely different bands despite the remarkable similarities in many respects)

Draconian (the colombian one) 'Persefone'
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9935 on: June 26, 2017, 11:37:19 AM »
Draconian (the more well known band, from up nordic ways)

'The Amaranth'
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9936 on: June 26, 2017, 12:27:32 PM »
I always think of this poem when people mention bagpipes. As Macneice says in  his intoduction, the cadences  are meant to mimic the sound of bagpipes . It's weird to hear it read in a very English accent though. So I've copied the words below, soyou can read it if you prefer

Bagpipe Music
Louis MacNeice

It's no go the merry-go-round, it's no go the rickshaw,
All we want is a limousine and a ticket for the peepshow.
Their knickers are made of crêpe-de-chine, their shoes are made of python,
Their halls are lined with tiger rugs and their walls with heads of bison.

John MacDonald found a corpse, put it under the sofa,
Waited till it came to life and hit it with a poker,
Sold its eyes for souvenirs, sold its blood for whiskey,
Kept its bones for dumb-bells to use when he was fifty.

It's no go the Yogi-Man, it's no go Blavatsky,
All we want is a bank balance and a bit of skirt in a taxi.

Annie MacDougall went to milk, caught her foot in the heather,
Woke to hear a dance record playing of Old Vienna.
It's no go your maidenheads, it's no go your culture,
All we want is a Dunlop tyre and the devil mend the puncture.

The Laird o' Phelps spent Hogmanay declaring he was sober,
Counted his feet to prove the fact and found he had one foot over.
Mrs. Carmichael had her fifth, looked at the job with repulsion,
Said to the midwife, "Take it away; I'm through with over-production."

It's no go the gossip column, it's no go the Ceilidh,
All we want is a mother's help and a sugar-stick for the baby.

Willie Murray cut his thumb, couldn't count the damage,
Took the hide of an Ayrshire cow and used it for a bandage.
His brother caught three hundred cran when the seas were lavish,
Threw the bleeders back in the sea and went upon the parish.

It's no go the Herring Board, it's no go the Bible,
All we want is a packet of fags when our hands are idle.

It's no go the picture palace, it's no go the stadium,
It's no go the country cot with a pot of pink geraniums.
It's no go the Government grants, it's no go the elections,
Sit on your arse for fifty years and hang your hat on a pension.

It's no go my honey love, it's no go my poppet;
Work your hands from day to day, the winds will blow the profit.
The glass is falling hour by hour, the glass will fall for ever,
But if you break the bloody glass you won't hold up the weather.


Offline Phoenix

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9937 on: June 26, 2017, 01:04:26 PM »
Wondering how I'm going to get through the next 3 weeks  :thumbdn:
Alive. And exhausted but happy that it all went pretty OK.

Have you planned lots of empty days in your calendar? Think you need a few weeks like that in three weeks.  A few weeks with no more tasks than feeding and watering yourself and your loved ones. And lots of sleeping. Oh, and hanging some hammocks in the new garden, of course.
The rest of the time free to feel how tired you really are.
No, I have none. There's too much to be done and only me to do it and no one to delegate it to. So I'm just trying to get through the days as best as I can. After the move, I know I'll crash and will have to figure out how to manage it all then. There's far more to do on a rural property than a suburban one but the energy of the place is far healthier and makes me happier.
“To rise, first you must burn.”
― Hiba Fatima Ahmad

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9938 on: June 26, 2017, 01:23:15 PM »
Thinking about Pyraxis and Wolfie.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9939 on: June 26, 2017, 01:33:11 PM »
Wondering how I'm going to get through the next 3 weeks  :thumbdn:
Alive. And exhausted but happy that it all went pretty OK.

Have you planned lots of empty days in your calendar? Think you need a few weeks like that in three weeks.  A few weeks with no more tasks than feeding and watering yourself and your loved ones. And lots of sleeping. Oh, and hanging some hammocks in the new garden, of course.
The rest of the time free to feel how tired you really are.
No, I have none. There's too much to be done and only me to do it and no one to delegate it to. So I'm just trying to get through the days as best as I can. After the move, I know I'll crash and will have to figure out how to manage it all then. There's far more to do on a rural property than a suburban one but the energy of the place is far healthier and makes me happier.
I meant empty weeks after the moving. You are living on energy borrowed from your future. It's about time to plan collapsing and recuperation properly. Not a hot bath and a nice movie with a dog on your lap, but weeks (once you have moved) with nothing but planned times to eat, drink and relax.

You need to take that time.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Phoenix

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9940 on: June 26, 2017, 02:11:46 PM »
Wondering how I'm going to get through the next 3 weeks  :thumbdn:
Alive. And exhausted but happy that it all went pretty OK.

Have you planned lots of empty days in your calendar? Think you need a few weeks like that in three weeks.  A few weeks with no more tasks than feeding and watering yourself and your loved ones. And lots of sleeping. Oh, and hanging some hammocks in the new garden, of course.
The rest of the time free to feel how tired you really are.
No, I have none. There's too much to be done and only me to do it and no one to delegate it to. So I'm just trying to get through the days as best as I can. After the move, I know I'll crash and will have to figure out how to manage it all then. There's far more to do on a rural property than a suburban one but the energy of the place is far healthier and makes me happier.
I meant empty weeks after the moving. You are living on energy borrowed from your future. It's about time to plan collapsing and recuperation properly. Not a hot bath and a nice movie with a dog on your lap, but weeks (once you have moved) with nothing but planned times to eat, drink and relax.

You need to take that time.
You're right, I do. I suppose hosting a 70th birthday for the boyfriend's Dad two weeks after I move in wasn't a wise idea in planning? :laugh:

Every time I go there, I am so, so happy. I'm trying to make regular check ins between now and move in day because it seems to centre me. When I come back to the house I'm currently in, it's hard to function. I think it will get worse before it gets better but I'm doing the best that I can. I'm going to have to be ruthless about my self care on the other end though. You're right about that.
“To rise, first you must burn.”
― Hiba Fatima Ahmad

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9941 on: June 26, 2017, 02:16:25 PM »
When I read your posts, lately, it is as if you function on energy you find because you do not feel that you are depleting yourself anymore. You've gone past fatigue, past exhaustion on to the next step it seems.
And I worry.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Phoenix

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9942 on: June 27, 2017, 08:38:34 AM »
When I read your posts, lately, it is as if you function on energy you find because you do not feel that you are depleting yourself anymore. You've gone past fatigue, past exhaustion on to the next step it seems.
And I worry.
You know me (and read me well). That's it exactly.
“To rise, first you must burn.”
― Hiba Fatima Ahmad

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9943 on: June 27, 2017, 11:35:22 AM »
As if I'm gonna harass you for help in that state.  :zoinks: You got to take care of yourself to take care of others.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9944 on: June 27, 2017, 11:51:22 AM »
As if I'm gonna harass you for help in that state.  :zoinks: You got to take care of yourself to take care of others.


Overdoing things for a while and a good cause is fine. It sometimes has to be. But there are limits. And a time to refill energy is needed after that.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!