
Author Topic: Post what you are thinking right now, part two  (Read 319090 times)

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9885 on: June 13, 2017, 12:33:19 AM »
Thinking I need to start working.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9886 on: June 13, 2017, 10:25:48 AM »
Onward and outward!
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9887 on: June 13, 2017, 12:55:42 PM »
Too stressed.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9888 on: June 13, 2017, 03:07:44 PM »
A bit worried.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9889 on: June 13, 2017, 03:46:21 PM »
Bit brainwrecked.

Too many opinions and thoughts of different persons. Too little processing time.

Focus has gone to smithereens.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9890 on: June 13, 2017, 06:50:50 PM »
You are writing a book miss K? sweet. I'd love to have a read when you've finished if you might be so good as to let me have a peek. Admittedly I am more a cat person or spider/scorpion person than a dog person, only ever had one dog, she was a rescue-stroke-kidnapping dog. Was when I was just a wee kid, their owners were total cunts that just threw the dog out on the street all day, every day and left her to fend for herself. So I did what had to be done and, well, pretty much just went and got a new collar and name tag etc. and stole me one unwanted, neglected dog, and gave her a better home. I imagine the former 'rightful' owner must have been fairly fucked off about their dog vanishing; but in all honesty, if they'd ever have seen me walking her, I'd have just turned on them and told them 'yes I stole your dog you neglectful bag of sewage, fucking shitheads like you don't deserve to have responsibility for an animal and bugger you if you have a problem with it' :D

I don't really consider it as having been a theft actually. I consider it a liberation and something that had to be done, because the fucking pricks were just kicking her out every day to roam about the streets, looked awfully thin when she was first dog-napped. Soon has her fed up and looking nice and healthy. Sadly eventually she got hit by a car and killed :( but while she was under my care I made damn well sure that she always had things a lot better than when she was stuck with the fucking pricks that left her to go hungry and have nothing to do save walk the streets all day.   If there is one thing I utterly despise, its cheese, but if there is anything else I really can't stand, its fucking arseholes that are cruel to animals.

Hope its comeing on well my dear.

I'm wondering how her royal cuteness the PR is these days. Not heard much about her of late QV. How is she doing? been thinking of her of late and wondering how she is. *sends my warm well wishes to the PR :)*
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9891 on: June 13, 2017, 08:13:49 PM »
Good for you for looking out for the pup. Everyone needs a defender. Did I tell you I'm getting a lizard? Right now I just want a small one. I'm going to get either a crested or a leaftailed. Not sure which. Eventually I want to get a beardie but I'm going to wait awhile. Right now I'm leaning towards a crested gecko. They're so cute!!
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9892 on: June 14, 2017, 01:35:47 AM »
Sweet. Was no puppy though, rottweiler looking thingy, or dobermann, always mix the two up-I mean the thinner of the two. But yeah I agree, it had to be done, fuck the RSPCA those bastards are as likely to murder as to rehome, and I know I'll take good care of any animal in need. I've had a fair few....odd..pets. A raven/rook, a baby hedgehog I took in once when I found it in a back alley, way too underweight to overwinter and survive, took him in and kept the spiky wee devil awake through the winter and fed him up until he'd gone from skin and bones, a tiny little thing to nice and plump and definitely the happier for his stay at chateaux de lestat :) kept various spiders, false, brown and black widows, a tank of leeches as a kid. Only lizards I've kept though have been newts and slow-worms (a kind of legless lizard, they look a lot like snakes, but aren't, and are getting pretty rare here, AFAIK officially you're not allowed to mess with them, but I did anyway, since I was catching them, breeding them and setting the young free in more areas, so it wasn't a matter of the pet trade, but was running a conservation effort. Which IMO is a completely justifiable reason to catch 'em.  I just didn't have, or give two fucks about the letter of the law in doing it, what mattered was assisting the species. And the individual adults I caught were always taken the best of care of.

And reported a pet store owner (twice, before anything got done), didn't end up with the critter, and wouldn't have taken it on anyway, but the fucking prick owner had been keeping a sugar glider (think wee flying squirrel looking critter, cute as..well almost as cute as you, only furry. But definitely adorable as hell:)) and keeping it on its own in a glass tank that must have been a few feet wide and 8 inches or so tall. They are obligate social creatures, and need both their own kind, and if in captivity without can die as a result. Plus, they need space to fly (they are...well imagine what you'd get if you could crossbreed an edible dormouse and a bat, with a bit of flying squirrel in there and season liberally with a near misskitty-level of fucking cute as hell that makes one automatically go 'awwwwwwwww' inside on sight. Ended up anonymously tipping the animal welfare lot off about it, and then ringing them back up and giving some poor bastard such an earful of grief when something wasn't done promptly. It did get moved out though, after I ended up threatening to do some pretty unspeakable things to random animal welfare officers if something wasn't done, and done quickly. Bad things were going to happen if that tiny little sweetie wasn't taken away, and there is no WAY IN HELL that I'd leave a critter of any kind to die from pining for company, confined in a tiny little hole. If something wasn't done about that, I was pretty close to walking in there, severing the phone lines and taking the glider at gunpoint if needs had been. I'm one of the biggest animal lovers you'll ever know miss K, probably give you a run for your money :)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9893 on: June 14, 2017, 02:52:36 AM »
Lestat, you're a hero!! :) :) :hug: I love how you helped all those creatures! :)

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9894 on: June 14, 2017, 07:44:21 AM »
I agree with FWM.

I dated a guy who had 2 sugar gliders. It used to piss him off that they preferred me to him. Anytime they were awake and given run of the apartment, they always leaped onto me for snuggles and pets. I dated him longer than I should have simply because I didn't want to leave the sugar gliders. :laugh:
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9895 on: June 14, 2017, 10:12:38 AM »
LOL miss K thats kinda hilarious. They are awfully cute aren't they. I'd have loved to take that one on, but I couldn't provide for its needs.

Have had plenty birds as well, the rook/raven (not sure which) I rescued after it had been shot. Some fucking farmer had shot it out of its nest, so I removed the shot and did what I could for it.  Ended up staying awake day and night whilst I should have been in school, and cutting class to go back to it and make sure it was hydrated, feeding it drops of water off the tip of my finger.

A funny as hell moment happened to me a while back involving birds too. Was on my way to the dr, and saw a small brown thing, bird of some sort of the finch/sparrow ilk knocked out in the middle of the road. After diving after it making sure it didn't get hit by a car, and me likewise, tucked it up in the sleeve of the trenchcoat I was wearing. Must have flown into a window or something, because it was warm and breathing still, but evidently knocked senseless. Was planning on heading to a nearby vet after first finishing walking to the GP surgery because I had an appointment with the human vet.  Give you three guesses as to what happened next. And if they aren't 'it woke up, shot out of my sleeve and went flying madly round the doctor's office twittering insanely' they don't count. Should have seen the look on my doctor's face, it was absolutely priceless. He did end up..well I'm not entirely certain he saw the funny side of it, and he did tell me never to bring animals into his surgery again, but if it didn't amuse him somewhat he at least saw that I didn't really have any choice other than to leave it where it could have been squashed or got to by a cat, etc. and that I'm no way in hell about to do something like that. Did manage to catch it...eventually. But only after the thing went absolutely berserk, flying round his head. One of the funniest sights I've ever seen in my life, even funnier than seeing a sewer blown up as a little kid. (did I do it? I'll leave others to make their conclusions on that. Lets just say I was close enough for the detonation of the charge to make my  ears ring and my eyes shake in my skull when the storm drain funneled part of the shockwave back at poor, innocent bystander bored kid me....Just damn glad I wasn't anybody sitting on a toilet nearby to where the thing that did it, whatever it might have been, wa..must have been planted. In my defence for being an innocent bystander though I must only have been about 9-10 give or take.)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9896 on: June 14, 2017, 03:10:49 PM »
All the Area 51, Moon landing and alien related conspiracies are fake. We can say that now with dissapointment and with confidence. I mean, would Trump keep his mouth shut about it?

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9897 on: June 14, 2017, 06:01:51 PM »
LOL miss K thats kinda hilarious. They are awfully cute aren't they. I'd have loved to take that one on, but I couldn't provide for its needs.

Have had plenty birds as well, the rook/raven (not sure which) I rescued after it had been shot. Some fucking farmer had shot it out of its nest, so I removed the shot and did what I could for it.  Ended up staying awake day and night whilst I should have been in school, and cutting class to go back to it and make sure it was hydrated, feeding it drops of water off the tip of my finger.

A funny as hell moment happened to me a while back involving birds too. Was on my way to the dr, and saw a small brown thing, bird of some sort of the finch/sparrow ilk knocked out in the middle of the road. After diving after it making sure it didn't get hit by a car, and me likewise, tucked it up in the sleeve of the trenchcoat I was wearing. Must have flown into a window or something, because it was warm and breathing still, but evidently knocked senseless. Was planning on heading to a nearby vet after first finishing walking to the GP surgery because I had an appointment with the human vet.  Give you three guesses as to what happened next. And if they aren't 'it woke up, shot out of my sleeve and went flying madly round the doctor's office twittering insanely' they don't count. Should have seen the look on my doctor's face, it was absolutely priceless. He did end up..well I'm not entirely certain he saw the funny side of it, and he did tell me never to bring animals into his surgery again, but if it didn't amuse him somewhat he at least saw that I didn't really have any choice other than to leave it where it could have been squashed or got to by a cat, etc. and that I'm no way in hell about to do something like that. Did manage to catch it...eventually. But only after the thing went absolutely berserk, flying round his head. One of the funniest sights I've ever seen in my life, even funnier than seeing a sewer blown up as a little kid. (did I do it? I'll leave others to make their conclusions on that. Lets just say I was close enough for the detonation of the charge to make my  ears ring and my eyes shake in my skull when the storm drain funneled part of the shockwave back at poor, innocent bystander bored kid me....Just damn glad I wasn't anybody sitting on a toilet nearby to where the thing that did it, whatever it might have been, wa..must have been planted. In my defence for being an innocent bystander though I must only have been about 9-10 give or take.)
:plus: My god Lestat. That is so you :laugh:
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9898 on: June 15, 2017, 05:21:22 AM »
What do you mean my dear kitteh? 'so me' ?

Wasn'ae half fucking funny as shit though. The little bird, sparrow, finch or whatever it was, a sparrow I think, woke up all of a sudden and wasted absolutely not a microsecond in darting out from the sleeve of my trench, where I'd had my arm pulled in a bit so the bird could rest in my just-cupped hand and be warmed by my body heat as it slept off its concussion and, if it hadn't been for me diving off my bike and into the road, a squishing into a long pinkish yellowy grey line of splattered bird entrails and a car tyre with a beak stuck in the treads. Not having that, so scooped up and cradled in my palm it had to be. Not that I minded of course, I'm only too happy to rescue needy wee furry, feathery, scaly critters and keep black (and brown) widow spiders as house pets :P

But this woke up really suddenly, I'd expected there to be at least a twitch of activity as it came round so I could keep it up there in my long leather trenchcoat sleeve, but no, it just bolted, coming out of my sleeve like a feathery bullet from a gun, twittering insanely. My doctor...jesus the look on his face...looked like he was about to suffer an imminent heart attack, to say nothing of the expression worn on his face when he realized that there was a tiny wee, damnable hard to catch little bird zooming around his surgery office as if it were a flying golf ball whacked with what should have been a 500 yard driver shot, only confined to a public toilet-sized little box of a room, squeaking and chirping for all it was worth.

Took both of us to catch the little feathery bugger and gently return it to the confines of my jacket, this time, gently tucked into my inside pocket, and took quite some time as well. The other waiting patients must have wondered what in hell was taking so long, for what should be a 10-minute appt give or take according to need, but that must have taken a bit short of an hour, give or take a few tens of minutes that had to be spent in rounding up one jacked up, crazed sparrow that was busy acting as if it had just been woken up with a shot of IV personal stash quality whizz and a large bowl full of espresso black coffee. For such a small bird, that just recovered from being stunned senseless it was awfully full of energy. I actually reckon we were more or less just waiting for it to tire itself out before we could catch the blighter.

Wish you had been there to see that, you'd have almost wet yourself with laughter at the sight of the look on my doc's face. Flustered doesn't even come close to describing what he was that day. And kinda pissed at first, although he did forgive me, since he knew I was doing what I not only had to do for the bird, but what comes naturally on instinct when I encounter a defenceless animal in need of a helping hand (or doctor's office to go and work out :P) He isn't stupid, so probably realizes that I would do it again too if it was ever called for)

I wonder sometimes about karma...for not a great length of time after, again going to the docs, I spotted a skip outside a house where a load of stuff was being thrown away  in what was obviously some kind of renovation. Went over to check it for copper pipe, lead sheeting etc. and spent a fair while methodically gutting the rubbish bags (was all dry,clean refuse no nasty slimy rotting food etc.) and whilst I found none, I did find a veritable treasure-trove of antique silver, and some silver/either ivory or whalebone that again, looked pretty old. The best of it being a large, heavy, solid silver jerusalem cross round necklace, in a silver circle surrounded by 4 knights' templar style crosses and inscribed on the back with hallmark, date (from about 1400-1500 AD if it isn't a modern fake, but its certainly weighty, and silver, with inscribed carvings on the back showing christ, the temple in jerusalem and what I think might be the apostles plus something else, I forget which, strung on a really nice braided rope-like linked chain, the likes of which no jeweller round here I've taken it to has ever seen before.)

Quite a bit of other, lesser silver, some gold stuff including a fake rolex (at least I think its a knockoff, I'm no expert), the silver writing-inlaid old ivory or whalebone page-turner (I'm sure you realize, miss K that I'd never support the ivory or whalebone trade in a lifetime of lifetimes. But at the same time, that, with its big, heavy silver endcap, and being quite definitely an antique piece I was certainly keeping, since for it to simply end up on landfill, rotting in a mound of fermenting, blowfly-infested slime would be bordering on the criminal.)

Plenty big heavy metal buttons, that given the nature of my other finds, I had a hunch about, and after wetting them, and sanding off a small, discrete invisible spot on a couple of them, I tested, by exposing the roughened, freshly revealed and moistened surface with hydrogen sulfide gas, upon which it took on the distinctive blackish grey patina of aged silver that has been exposed to people, which comes from the sulfur content in some amino-acids making up proteins, over time. The H2S test artificially creates the same silver sulfide and shows up silver metal for what it is, if its silver. Also a glass jar with a kinda helical looking outer surface and a really thick hinged rounded cup sort of lid t hat snaps shut over the top and is just perfect to use as a jar for storing/serving...certain powdery substances of an attention-focusing, perky nature. The silver part, the cap and its mounting and hinge are really big and chunky, the thinnest edge must be just under 4mm thick. Quite a lot of what look to be custom jewellery featuring semiprecious stones too that again looks to be of a kind of item not seen these days, such as a little star-shaped, semiprecious gem-inlaid dark metal hollow necklace with a small blunt ended thin metal rod attached by a short piece of chain, a perfume or some sort of anointing substance dispenser of some kind as far as I can tell, plus a silver or possibly some other valuable metal, quite lightweight, so might not be precious metal, but something like titanium, tantalum or niobium. Not sure what thats made of. Got quite a hall, plus a couple more necklace chains, without anything attached to then. I really couldn't believe my eyes until the chemistry set got pulled out and some testing done on things, that of all the places, I'd find that sort of  thing in a skip.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #9899 on: June 15, 2017, 12:36:26 PM »
All the Area 51, Moon landing and alien related conspiracies are fake. We can say that now with dissapointment and with confidence. I mean, would Trump keep his mouth shut about it?

They wouldn't tell him. :M
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein