Thinking how ignorant and veritably annoying the average person can be.
I was excited when I found this info about Steinway having created their six hundred thousandth piano since the mid eighteen hundreds:

... and when I went to try to share my excitement with a co-worker (who was also a musician, btw or at least, so I thought) about this amazing accomplishment and the creation of the "Fibonacci" in honor of the event (it took a bit more than four years to create, from what I learned in the back story) all she said was, "in so long, that's not very many pianos." FUCK!! (Actually it is fucking incredible if you give a moment's thought to the prospect.)
I reminded her that every single one, since the very first, were all hand made, BUT ...
She did not even know what a "Fibonacci sequence" made reference to when I asked if she had thought that the design was as "cool" as I thought it was. Then I asked her if she had read about the artist's intentions, she just said, "You wanted me to read all that?"
I often give people too much credit due to us having shared one or two things in common.
Maybe I am the idiot for expecting "so much" or even anything from another with whom I shared my interests.

Sorry, I did not have the linkage done right at first.